
(试题说明+技巧点拨+单词清障+最新全国各地真题模拟题精选) 学生版
语篇 主题语境 体裁 难度系数 适合阶段
B1 人与社会之中国乒乓球教练韩华在海外执教的经历与成就 记叙文 适中(0.65) 2025届高三英语
B2 人与社会之火山学家克拉夫特夫妇的工作以及他们对火山学的贡献 记叙文 适中(0.65)
B3 人与社会之一位导师为了帮助被石油泄漏伤害的企鹅 记叙文 适中(0.65)
B4 人与社会之中国文物修复员邱锦仙在英国博物馆修复中国古代绘画的事迹 记叙文 适中(0.65)
B5 人与社会之父母的结婚戒指失而复得的故事 记叙文 适中(0.65)
阅读理解B 如何做日常训练
深度钻研真题:每周至少完成 2 - 3 套高考英语阅读理解 B 真题,做完后详细分析每一道题目,包括正确选项的依据和错误选项的原因。同时,总结不同年份真题中相同题型的解题规律和技巧。
广泛拓展阅读:每天安排 30 - 60 分钟进行英语阅读,阅读材料可以包括英文报纸(如《China Daily》)、英文杂志(如《National Geographic》)、英文小说等。在阅读过程中,运用所学的阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
综上所述,高考英语阅读理解 B 虽然具有一定难度,但只要考生深入了解其命题特点和题型特点,熟练掌握并运用解题技巧,在日常学习中坚持练习和总结,就一定能够在高考中取得优异成绩,为自己的英语学习画上圆满的句号。
B1 文章词汇题
passion A. 能力;才能
dedication B. 热情;激情
capacity C. 成就;功绩
feat D. 奉献;献身精神
savior E. 救世主;拯救者
B2 文章词汇题
insignificant A. 火山学
magnificent B. 微不足道的;不重要的
volcanology C. 壮丽的;宏伟的
dissect D. 记录;记载
credit E. 剖析;仔细分析
B3 文章词汇题
pursuit A. 慈善的;宽厚的
buzz B. 追求;寻求
charitable C. 溢出;泄漏
spill D. 嗡嗡声;热议
preen E. 整理(羽毛);精心打扮
B4 文章词汇题
revival A. 储存;仓库
specialize B. 复兴;复苏
storage C. 使分离;使分开
separate D. 专门从事;专门研究
notoriously E. 众所周知地;声名狼藉地
B5 文章词汇题
keepsake A. 遗产;遗赠
legacy B. 纪念品;信物
maintenance C. 情感的;多愁善感的
sentimental D. 维修;维护
mechanic E. 机械师;技工
B1 文章词汇题
tournament A. 习惯;使适应
accustomed B. 锦标赛;联赛
applause C. 过渡;转变
transition D. 鼓掌;喝彩
anniversary E. 周年纪念日
B2 文章词汇题
eruption A. 火山学家
volcanologist B. 爆炸的;爆发性的
explosive C. 火山喷发;爆发
effusive D. 溢流式的;感情奔放的
restless E. 不安宁的;躁动的
B3 文章词汇题
shrink A. 吞咽;咽下
toxic B. 收缩;缩小
delicate C. 有毒的;有害的
swallow D. 脆弱的;精致的
rehabilitation E. 恢复;康复
B4 文章词汇题
conservator A. 卷轴;画卷
scroll B. 文物修复员;保护者
intensive C. 耗费时间(或精力)的;密集的
diverse D. 多种多样的;不同的
composition E. 构成;成分;作品
B5 文章词汇题
figure A. 固定装置;设备
fixture B. 料想;认为
mechanic C. 技工;机械师
obituary D. 讣告;讣文
purchase E. 购买;采购
第一部分 阅读理解
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
B 1
(24-25高三上·海南三亚·期末)66-year-old Han Hua told tales of his table tennis coaching career, showing photos that highlighting his victories in China, Tunisia and France.
Born in 1958, Han’s passion for table tennis started at a young age. A mix of raw talent and continuous dedication drove him to junior tournament victories and eventually, to a desirable spot in the national team.
Since the 1950s, China has sent coaches in sports like table tennis, badminton, gymnastics and diving to improve the competitive capacity of nations afar. As one of them, Han started a 12-year coaching journey in Tunisia in 1984. He rapidly got accustomed to this way of life.
Known for his language competence and deep understanding of the sport, Han has earned applause from peers and athletes.
In the 1990s, France enjoyed a golden era of table tennis led by the great table tennis player Jean-Philippe Gatien. The French team, composed of Gatien, Patrick Chila, and Damien Eloi, achieved remarkable feats in the World Cup and World Championships.
However, as they retired in the early years of this century, the once powerful team was enveloped in calmness, motivating the French Table Tennis Federation to seek a savior in 2013 to restore the nation to its former glory.
Han, with plentiful experience, coaching wisdom and fluency in French, stood out as the ideal candidate. After three years of dedication, Han finally achieved his goal as the French men’s team delivered its most outstanding performance in four decades — Emmanuel Lebesson won the men’s singles title while Simon Gauzy secured the silver medal at the 2016 European Championships. After successfully leading the team to the Rio Olympics, he transitioned into an assistant coaching role, paving the way for young French coaches.
As the year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, Han emphasizes the significance of the enduring bond between the two nations in table tennis.
1.What was Han Hua’s key qualification for coaching the French team
A.His success in junior tournaments.
B.His role in China’s table tennis history.
C.His previous work with French players.
D.His language skills and coaching experience.
2.Which of the following words can best describe Han
A.Talented and fortunate. B.Professional and devoted.
C.Unbeatable and proud. D.Ambitious and aggressive.
3.What does Han emphasize between China and France referring to table tennis
A.Cultural exchange. B.Shared goals.
C.Everlasting friendship. D.Economic cooperation.
4.What could be a suitable title of the passage
A.The Chinese Coach who Wins Applause from Audience.
B.The Talented and Dedicated Chinese Table Tennis Athlete.
C.The Chinese Coach who Teaches Table Tennis to the World.
D.The 60th Anniversary of China-France Diplomatic Relations.
B 2
(24-25高三上·湖南长沙·阶段练习)Wrapped in a shiny metal suit, Katia Krafft’s small frame appeared insignificant next to the red curtain of boiling rock that burst from the ground before her. The dramatic moment was captured in a photo taken atop Iceland’s Krafla volcano in 1984. “Once you see an eruption, you can’t live without it because it’s so magnificent, so strong,” says Krafft, a fearless pioneer in volcanology, studying the explosive peaks at a time when there were few women in the field.
The moment a volcano exploded, she and her husband, Maurice Krafft, also a volcancoogist, dropped everything to analyze and capture the beauty and mystery of each event. These stunning pictures allowed researchers to dissect (剖析) the complex details of each eruption like never before.
The Kraffts initially focused their work on so-called effusive (溢流式的) eruptions, which, though still dangerous, are usually less deadly than their explosive relatives. But two disasters led the Kraffts to turn their eyes on the destructive impacts of the latter. In 1980 the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington killed 57 people, and in 1985, the eruption of Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz killed more than 20,000 people.
The couple used their recordings of explosive eruptions to explain the complex risks and uncertainties of these disasters. Their videos are credited as one of the main reasons that officials in the Philippines took the warning signs of Mount Pinatubo’s eruption in 1991 seriously. Yet the Kraffts didn’t live to see it. They died less than two weeks earlier in Japan during a terrible eruption.
Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has inspired many young women to study our restless planet. At age 16, Marie-Claude Williamson, now a research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada, met Katia during an evening lecture where the Kraffts were narrating one of their films. “It was largely the vision of the extraordinary woman I briefly encountered when I was 16 that kept me going.” she says.
5.What did the Kraffts do when a volcano erupted
A.They sent once warnings. B.They shot the process.
C.They wrote down the details. D.They analyzed the causes.
6.What can be learned about the two eruptions in the 1980s
A.They were effusive eruptions.
B.They took place in the US.
C.They were recorded by the Kraffts.
D.They changed the Kraffts’ career focus.
7.What’s the purpose of filming explosive eruptions
A.To show the beauty of volcanoes.
B.To predict future volcanic activities.
C.To share knowledge of volcanic risks.
D.To guide government policy-making.
8.Which of the following words can best describe Katia
A.Enthusiastic and modest. B.Humorous and professional.
C.Ambitious and generous. D.Courageous and influential.
B 3
“Thank you for your email. I have left to pursue my dream of crocheting sweaters for penguins in Antarctica and no longer work for the School of Economics. I will be out of office on a permanent, indefinite, open-ended basis until my penguin friends are happy.”
A Chinese student studying in the UK said her tutor, who quit education to knit sweaters for penguins in Antarctica, has been generating buzz online. The charitable act of knitting sweaters for penguins is, in fact, a real initiative.
A major oil spill occurred in the waters off the Phillip Island in Australia in the late 1990s, severely affecting local penguins who saw their population shrink over two breeding seasons. When little penguins become oiled, they will try to preen and clean the toxic oil from their feathers, and swallowing it can kill them. It also damages their delicate feathers, which exposes their skin to extreme temperatures and they are left cold, heavy and unable to swim or hunt for food.
In response, the Penguin Foundation and Phillip Island Nature Parks launched a public welfare campaign, calling on enthusiasts worldwide to knit sweaters for the freezing penguins during the process of rehabilitation.
In 2001, another major oil spill occurred in the waters near Phillip Island, with a total of 438 penguin’s. affected. 96%were successfully rescued and released back into the wild with the help of the Penguin Foundation and these sweaters.
However, some people argue that the sweaters could potentially add extra weight to the penguins’ bodies, or cause them to overheat. The Penguin Foundation explained that the sweaters are used temporarily to keep penguins warm before their bodies are washed and feathers recover.
Sweaters for penguins must be crafted from wool and follow specific knitting guidelines. Numerous sweaters that have failed to meet the standards have been repurposed for toy penguins. By selling toy penguins wearing these sweaters, the Penguin Foundation raises fund for the wildlife on Phillip Island.
9.What is the direct impact of the oil spill on penguins
A.They are unable to prey. B.Their feathers are spoiled.
C.They are left to extreme cold. D.They have trouble in swallowing.
10.Why are the numbers listed in Paragraph 5
A.To show the severity of the oil spill.
B.To illustrate the achievement of the campaign.
C.To explain the serious conditions of the penguins.
D.To add some background information of the oil spill
11.What can we learn about the sweaters from the last paragraph
A.Many of them go to waste. B.They are highly impractical.
C.Their production is demanding. D.They solved the problems for good.
12.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.An initiative generates buzz on the Internet.
B.A major oil spill took place on Phillip Island.
C.A tutor quits to knit sweaters for penguins in Antarctica.
D.The Penguin Foundation asked for more penguin sweaters.
B 4
(2024·陕西渭南·一模)The British Museum’s rich collection of ancient Chinese paintings has attracted many visitors. At the heart of this preservation and revival of Chinese art history is senior conservator (文物修复员) Qiu Jinxian.
Joanna Kosek, head of Pictorial Art Conservation at the British Museum, told the Times Publications that Qiu is considered one of the museum’s most priceless treasures. “We let the treasure treat the treasure,” Kosek said.
In 1987, Qiu was introduced to Mrs. Jessica Rawson, director of the British Museum. At the time the museum lacked conservators specializing in ancient Chinese art. The Chinese ancient paintings and cultural relics in the museum were largely repaired by Japanese and British methods, which were unsuitable for Chinese artworks. As a result, many pieces remained in storage, hidden from public view.
Just before Christmas in 1987, Qiu had her first appointment at the British Museum. She was asked to repair a fire-damaged scroll by Fu Baoshi. Qiu’s methods, which included washing with warm water to separate the glue in order to repair the paper, stunned people on the spot. Some observers even got out the camera to record her methods as they’d never seen this way of restoring ancient art. Mrs. Rawson, amazed by Qiu Jinxian’s incredible skills, immediately invited Qiu to join the British Museum.
Chinese ancient paintings are notoriously difficult to repair because of their large size, complex materials, diverse colors, and rich composition. The most important thing is to understand the long history, meaning and culture behind the painting. Repair is an extremely time and energy intensive process. Each painting normally takes several months from cleaning to restoration and drying. Since 1987, Qiu has repaired more than 400 artworks.
Qiu told the media that she is very proud of her work. She wants more people to understand and appreciate Chinese history and culture through art. Although the artworks originated from China, they now belong to the people of the world.
13.Why is Qiu regarded as a treasure at the British Museum
A.She restored the Chinese scroll successfully.
B.She is the only Chinese conservator there.
C.She understands Chinese history comprehensively.
D.She possesses special skills in repairing the treasures.
14.What does the underlined word “stunned” in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Touched. B.Inspired. C.Shocked. D.Impacted.
15.What matters most for repairing Chinese artworks
A.Strong determination. B.Incredible painting skills.
C.A deep understanding of the objects. D.A sound knowledge of Chinese history.
16.Which of the following best describes Qiu
A.Modest and patient. B.Creative and talented.
C.Resourceful and humble. D.Innovative and dedicated.
B 5
(24-25高三上·云南昆明·阶段练习)Gary Guadagno had lost hope of ever finding his parents’ wedding rings. While selling his childhood home in Pennsylvania, in 2011, just before his mother’s passing away, Gary searched high and low for the rings. He didn’t find them. He figured his mother, who had Alzheimer’s, had thrown them out. He was devastated, but didn’t know what to do.
“They’re keepsakes and part of my family legacy,” he says. A decade passed and the rings never turned up. Then, last September, Gary got a Facebook message from Hannah Keuscher, who had bought his mother’s house back in 2011. One day, power failure suddenly happened, causing the lights off. Her husband, Josh Martin had to do the maintenance. It was at the moment that he discovered a jewelry box with two rings inside a kitchen light fixture. Keuscher and Martin suspected they held sentimental value for someone, and they thought the rings should be returned.
Anthony and Rosemarie Guadagno exchanged the rings when they got married in 1947. They moved into their two-bedroom house in the early 1950s. They raised Gary, their only child, while Anthony worked as a mechanic and Rosemarie as a stay-at-home parent. “They were just two very hardworking people and loved each other very much,” Gary says. In 1978, when Gary was 15, Anthony died of heart attack. Rosemarie started a 20-year career in the patient transport and supply department of the hospital that had employed her husband as a maintenance mechanic at the time of his death. She retired in 1998 as her Alzheimer’s progressed, and sometime before 2011, she put the wedding rings inside the kitchen light.
Keuscher knew little of that history. After the purchase of the house, eager to know about the previous householder, she had searched the name on the home’s bill of sale, which led to Rosemarie Guadagno’s obituary (讣告). Last September, she found it again, located Gary on Facebook and sent a message with news of the discovery.
17.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 1
A.Desperate. B.Annoyed. C.rightened. D.Regretful.
18.When did Martin find the two rings
A.He bought the house. B.He repaired the lamps.
C.He cleaned the lights. D.He got a Facebook message.
19.What did Rosemarie do shortly after losing her husband
A.She retired due to the progress of Alzheimer’s.
B.She hid the wedding rings inside the kitchen light.
C.She pursued a doctor’s career to treat heart disease.
D.She worked in the same hospital to support the family.
20.Why did Keuscher search the seller’s name at first
A.To satisfy her curiosity. B.To try returning the rings.
C.Io check Rosemarie’s death. D.To share the news of discovery.20.【2025年高考英语分类练】阅读理解B能力提升组组合卷
(试题说明+技巧点拨+单词清障+最新全国各地真题模拟题精选) 教师版
语篇 主题语境 体裁 难度系数 适合阶段
B1 人与社会之中国乒乓球教练韩华在海外执教的经历与成就 记叙文 适中(0.65) 2025届高三英语
B2 人与社会之火山学家克拉夫特夫妇的工作以及他们对火山学的贡献 记叙文 适中(0.65)
B3 人与社会之一位导师为了帮助被石油泄漏伤害的企鹅 记叙文 适中(0.65)
B4 人与社会之中国文物修复员邱锦仙在英国博物馆修复中国古代绘画的事迹 记叙文 适中(0.65)
B5 人与社会之父母的结婚戒指失而复得的故事 记叙文 适中(0.65)
阅读理解B 如何做日常训练
深度钻研真题:每周至少完成 2 - 3 套高考英语阅读理解 B 真题,做完后详细分析每一道题目,包括正确选项的依据和错误选项的原因。同时,总结不同年份真题中相同题型的解题规律和技巧。
广泛拓展阅读:每天安排 30 - 60 分钟进行英语阅读,阅读材料可以包括英文报纸(如《China Daily》)、英文杂志(如《National Geographic》)、英文小说等。在阅读过程中,运用所学的阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
综上所述,高考英语阅读理解 B 虽然具有一定难度,但只要考生深入了解其命题特点和题型特点,熟练掌握并运用解题技巧,在日常学习中坚持练习和总结,就一定能够在高考中取得优异成绩,为自己的英语学习画上圆满的句号。
B1 文章词汇题
passion A. 能力;才能
dedication B. 热情;激情
capacity C. 成就;功绩
feat D. 奉献;献身精神
savior E. 救世主;拯救者
答案:1 - B;2 - D;3 - A;4 - C;5 - E
B2 文章词汇题
insignificant A. 火山学
magnificent B. 微不足道的;不重要的
volcanology C. 壮丽的;宏伟的
dissect D. 记录;记载
credit E. 剖析;仔细分析
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - A;4 - E;5 - D
B3 文章词汇题
pursuit A. 慈善的;宽厚的
buzz B. 追求;寻求
charitable C. 溢出;泄漏
spill D. 嗡嗡声;热议
preen E. 整理(羽毛);精心打扮
答案:1 - B;2 - D;3 - A;4 - C;5 - E
B4 文章词汇题
revival A. 储存;仓库
specialize B. 复兴;复苏
storage C. 使分离;使分开
separate D. 专门从事;专门研究
notoriously E. 众所周知地;声名狼藉地
答案:1 - B;2 - D;3 - A;4 - C;5 - E
B5 文章词汇题
keepsake A. 遗产;遗赠
legacy B. 纪念品;信物
maintenance C. 情感的;多愁善感的
sentimental D. 维修;维护
mechanic E. 机械师;技工
答案:1 - B;2 - A;3 - D;4 - C;5 - E
B1 文章词汇题
tournament A. 习惯;使适应
accustomed B. 锦标赛;联赛
applause C. 过渡;转变
transition D. 鼓掌;喝彩
anniversary E. 周年纪念日
答案:1 - B;2 - A;3 - D;4 - C;5 - E
B2 文章词汇题
eruption A. 火山学家
volcanologist B. 爆炸的;爆发性的
explosive C. 火山喷发;爆发
effusive D. 溢流式的;感情奔放的
restless E. 不安宁的;躁动的
答案:1 - C;2 - A;3 - B;4 - D;5 - E
B3 文章词汇题
shrink A. 吞咽;咽下
toxic B. 收缩;缩小
delicate C. 有毒的;有害的
swallow D. 脆弱的;精致的
rehabilitation E. 恢复;康复
答案:1 - B;2 - C;3 - D;4 - A;5 - E
B4 文章词汇题
conservator A. 卷轴;画卷
scroll B. 文物修复员;保护者
intensive C. 耗费时间(或精力)的;密集的
diverse D. 多种多样的;不同的
composition E. 构成;成分;作品
答案:1 - B;2 - A;3 - C;4 - D;5 - E
B5 文章词汇题
figure A. 固定装置;设备
fixture B. 料想;认为
mechanic C. 技工;机械师
obituary D. 讣告;讣文
purchase E. 购买;采购
答案:1 - B;2 - A;3 - C;4 - D;5 - E
第一部分 阅读理解
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
B 1
(24-25高三上·海南三亚·期末)66-year-old Han Hua told tales of his table tennis coaching career, showing photos that highlighting his victories in China, Tunisia and France.
Born in 1958, Han’s passion for table tennis started at a young age. A mix of raw talent and continuous dedication drove him to junior tournament victories and eventually, to a desirable spot in the national team.
Since the 1950s, China has sent coaches in sports like table tennis, badminton, gymnastics and diving to improve the competitive capacity of nations afar. As one of them, Han started a 12-year coaching journey in Tunisia in 1984. He rapidly got accustomed to this way of life.
Known for his language competence and deep understanding of the sport, Han has earned applause from peers and athletes.
In the 1990s, France enjoyed a golden era of table tennis led by the great table tennis player Jean-Philippe Gatien. The French team, composed of Gatien, Patrick Chila, and Damien Eloi, achieved remarkable feats in the World Cup and World Championships.
However, as they retired in the early years of this century, the once powerful team was enveloped in calmness, motivating the French Table Tennis Federation to seek a savior in 2013 to restore the nation to its former glory.
Han, with plentiful experience, coaching wisdom and fluency in French, stood out as the ideal candidate. After three years of dedication, Han finally achieved his goal as the French men’s team delivered its most outstanding performance in four decades — Emmanuel Lebesson won the men’s singles title while Simon Gauzy secured the silver medal at the 2016 European Championships. After successfully leading the team to the Rio Olympics, he transitioned into an assistant coaching role, paving the way for young French coaches.
As the year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, Han emphasizes the significance of the enduring bond between the two nations in table tennis.
1.What was Han Hua’s key qualification for coaching the French team
A.His success in junior tournaments.
B.His role in China’s table tennis history.
C.His previous work with French players.
D.His language skills and coaching experience.
2.Which of the following words can best describe Han
A.Talented and fortunate. B.Professional and devoted.
C.Unbeatable and proud. D.Ambitious and aggressive.
3.What does Han emphasize between China and France referring to table tennis
A.Cultural exchange. B.Shared goals.
C.Everlasting friendship. D.Economic cooperation.
4.What could be a suitable title of the passage
A.The Chinese Coach who Wins Applause from Audience.
B.The Talented and Dedicated Chinese Table Tennis Athlete.
C.The Chinese Coach who Teaches Table Tennis to the World.
D.The 60th Anniversary of China-France Diplomatic Relations.
【答案】1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C
1.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Han, with plentiful experience, coaching wisdom and fluency in French, stood out as the ideal candidate.(韩华凭借丰富的经验、教练智慧和流利的法语,成为理想人选)”可知,韩华执教法国队的关键资格是他的语言能力和教练经验。故选D。
2.推理判断题。根据第二段“A mix of raw talent and continuous dedication drove him to junior tournament victories and eventually, to a desirable spot in the national team.(天生的才华和持续的奉献精神使他在青少年比赛中屡获佳绩,最终在国家队中获得了令人羡慕的位置)”和倒数第二段“After three years of dedication, Han finally achieved his goal as the French men’s team delivered its most outstanding performance in four decades.(经过三年的努力,韩华终于实现了自己的目标,法国男队取得了四十年来最出色的成绩)”可知,韩华是一个专业且敬业的人。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一段“As the year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, Han emphasizes the significance of the enduring bond between the two nations in table tennis.(2024年是中法建交60周年,韩华强调了乒乓球领域中两国持久关系的重要性)”可知,韩华在中法乒乓球交流中强调了永恒的友谊。故选C。
B 2
(24-25高三上·湖南长沙·阶段练习)Wrapped in a shiny metal suit, Katia Krafft’s small frame appeared insignificant next to the red curtain of boiling rock that burst from the ground before her. The dramatic moment was captured in a photo taken atop Iceland’s Krafla volcano in 1984. “Once you see an eruption, you can’t live without it because it’s so magnificent, so strong,” says Krafft, a fearless pioneer in volcanology, studying the explosive peaks at a time when there were few women in the field.
The moment a volcano exploded, she and her husband, Maurice Krafft, also a volcancoogist, dropped everything to analyze and capture the beauty and mystery of each event. These stunning pictures allowed researchers to dissect (剖析) the complex details of each eruption like never before.
The Kraffts initially focused their work on so-called effusive (溢流式的) eruptions, which, though still dangerous, are usually less deadly than their explosive relatives. But two disasters led the Kraffts to turn their eyes on the destructive impacts of the latter. In 1980 the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington killed 57 people, and in 1985, the eruption of Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz killed more than 20,000 people.
The couple used their recordings of explosive eruptions to explain the complex risks and uncertainties of these disasters. Their videos are credited as one of the main reasons that officials in the Philippines took the warning signs of Mount Pinatubo’s eruption in 1991 seriously. Yet the Kraffts didn’t live to see it. They died less than two weeks earlier in Japan during a terrible eruption.
Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has inspired many young women to study our restless planet. At age 16, Marie-Claude Williamson, now a research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada, met Katia during an evening lecture where the Kraffts were narrating one of their films. “It was largely the vision of the extraordinary woman I briefly encountered when I was 16 that kept me going.” she says.
5.What did the Kraffts do when a volcano erupted
A.They sent once warnings. B.They shot the process.
C.They wrote down the details. D.They analyzed the causes.
6.What can be learned about the two eruptions in the 1980s
A.They were effusive eruptions.
B.They took place in the US.
C.They were recorded by the Kraffts.
D.They changed the Kraffts’ career focus.
7.What’s the purpose of filming explosive eruptions
A.To show the beauty of volcanoes.
B.To predict future volcanic activities.
C.To share knowledge of volcanic risks.
D.To guide government policy-making.
8.Which of the following words can best describe Katia
A.Enthusiastic and modest. B.Humorous and professional.
C.Ambitious and generous. D.Courageous and influential.
【答案】5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D
5.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The moment a volcano exploded, she and her husband, Maurice Krafft, also a volcanologist, dropped everything to analyze and capture the beauty and mystery of each event. These stunning pictures allowed researchers to dissect the complex details of each eruption like never before.(火山爆发的那一刻,她和同为火山学家的丈夫莫里斯·克拉夫特放下一切,分析并捕捉每一个事件的美丽和神秘。这些令人惊叹的照片使研究人员能够以前所未有的方式剖析每次火山喷发的复杂细节。)”可知,火山爆发时,克拉夫特夫妇要拍摄了这个过程。故选B项。
6.细节理解题。根据第三段“The Kraffts initially focused their work on so-called effusive (溢流式的) eruptions, which, though still dangerous, are usually less deadly than their explosive relatives. But two disasters led the Kraffts to turn their eyes on the destructive impacts of the latter. In 1980 the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington killed 57 people, and in 1985, the eruption of Colombia’s Nevada del Ruiz killed more than 20,000 people.(克拉夫特夫妇最初把他们的研究重点放在所谓的溢流式喷发上,这种喷发虽然仍然很危险,但通常比爆炸性喷发的致命性要小。但两场灾难让卡夫夫妇把目光转向了后者的破坏性影响。1980年,华盛顿圣海伦斯火山喷发造成57人死亡,1985年,哥伦比亚内华达德尔鲁伊斯火山喷发造成2万多人死亡。)”可知,20世纪80年代的两次火山爆发改变了克拉夫特夫妇的职业重心。故选D项。
7.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The couple used their recordings of explosive eruptions to explain the complex risks and uncertainties of these disasters.(这对夫妇用他们对火山爆发的记录来解释这些灾难的复杂风险和不确定性。)”可知,拍摄火山爆发的目的是分享火山风险的知识。故选C项。
8.推理判断题。根据第一段中的““Once you see an eruption, you can’t live without it because it’s so magnificent, so strong,” says Krafft, a fearless pioneer in volcanology, studying the explosive peaks at a time when there were few women in the field.(“一旦你看到火山喷发,你就不能没有它,因为它是如此壮观,如此强大,”克拉夫特说,她是一位无畏的火山学先驱,在研究火山喷发高峰的时候,这个领域几乎没有女性。)”和最后一段的句子“Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has inspired many young women to study our restless planet.(远远在她去世后很久,卡蒂亚对火山学的影响还在,并激励了许多年轻女性研究我们这个不安分的星球。)”可知,卡蒂亚是一位勇敢且有很大影响力的女性。故选D项。
B 3
“Thank you for your email. I have left to pursue my dream of crocheting sweaters for penguins in Antarctica and no longer work for the School of Economics. I will be out of office on a permanent, indefinite, open-ended basis until my penguin friends are happy.”
A Chinese student studying in the UK said her tutor, who quit education to knit sweaters for penguins in Antarctica, has been generating buzz online. The charitable act of knitting sweaters for penguins is, in fact, a real initiative.
A major oil spill occurred in the waters off the Phillip Island in Australia in the late 1990s, severely affecting local penguins who saw their population shrink over two breeding seasons. When little penguins become oiled, they will try to preen and clean the toxic oil from their feathers, and swallowing it can kill them. It also damages their delicate feathers, which exposes their skin to extreme temperatures and they are left cold, heavy and unable to swim or hunt for food.
In response, the Penguin Foundation and Phillip Island Nature Parks launched a public welfare campaign, calling on enthusiasts worldwide to knit sweaters for the freezing penguins during the process of rehabilitation.
In 2001, another major oil spill occurred in the waters near Phillip Island, with a total of 438 penguin’s. affected. 96%were successfully rescued and released back into the wild with the help of the Penguin Foundation and these sweaters.
However, some people argue that the sweaters could potentially add extra weight to the penguins’ bodies, or cause them to overheat. The Penguin Foundation explained that the sweaters are used temporarily to keep penguins warm before their bodies are washed and feathers recover.
Sweaters for penguins must be crafted from wool and follow specific knitting guidelines. Numerous sweaters that have failed to meet the standards have been repurposed for toy penguins. By selling toy penguins wearing these sweaters, the Penguin Foundation raises fund for the wildlife on Phillip Island.
9.What is the direct impact of the oil spill on penguins
A.They are unable to prey. B.Their feathers are spoiled.
C.They are left to extreme cold. D.They have trouble in swallowing.
10.Why are the numbers listed in Paragraph 5
A.To show the severity of the oil spill.
B.To illustrate the achievement of the campaign.
C.To explain the serious conditions of the penguins.
D.To add some background information of the oil spill
11.What can we learn about the sweaters from the last paragraph
A.Many of them go to waste. B.They are highly impractical.
C.Their production is demanding. D.They solved the problems for good.
12.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.An initiative generates buzz on the Internet.
B.A major oil spill took place on Phillip Island.
C.A tutor quits to knit sweaters for penguins in Antarctica.
D.The Penguin Foundation asked for more penguin sweaters.
【答案】9.B 10.B 11.C 12.C
9.细节理解题。根据第三段“When little penguins become oiled, they will try to preen and clean the toxic oil from their feathers, and swallowing it can kill them. It also damages their delicate feathers, which exposes their skin to extreme temperatures and they are left cold, heavy and unable to swim or hunt for food.(当小企鹅被石油污染时,它们会试图梳理羽毛,清理羽毛上的有毒石油,吞咽有毒石油可能会杀死它们。它还会损害它们脆弱的羽毛,使它们的皮肤暴露在极端温度下,它们会变得又冷又重,无法游泳或觅食)”可知,石油泄漏对企鹅的直接影响是导致它们的羽毛被破坏了。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据第五段“In 2001, another major oil spill occurred in the waters near Phillip Island, with a total of 438 penguin’s. affected. 96%were successfully rescued and released back into the wild with the help of the Penguin Foundation and these sweaters.(2001年,菲利普岛附近海域发生了另一起重大石油泄漏事件,共有438只企鹅遇难。受到影响。在企鹅基金会和这些毛衣的帮助下,96%的企鹅成功获救并被放归野外)”可知,第5段列出了这些数字是为了说明运动的成就。故选B。
11.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Sweaters for penguins must be crafted from wool and follow specific knitting guidelines. Numerous sweaters that have failed to meet the standards have been repurposed for toy penguins. By selling toy penguins wearing these sweaters, the Penguin Foundation raises fund for the wildlife on Phillip Island.(企鹅的毛衣必须用羊毛制作,并遵循特定的编织指南。许多不符合标准的毛衣被用来制作玩具企鹅。通过出售穿着这些毛衣的玩具企鹅,企鹅基金会为菲利普岛的野生动物筹集了资金)”可知,这种毛衣的生产要求很高。故选C。
12.主旨大意题。根据第二段“A Chinese student studying in the UK said her tutor, who quit education to knit sweaters for penguins in Antarctica, has been generating buzz online. The charitable act of knitting sweaters for penguins is, in fact, a real initiative.(一名在英国留学的中国学生表示,她的导师在网上引起了热议。她的导师中途辞职,去南极洲为企鹅织毛衣。事实上,为企鹅织毛衣的慈善行为是一项真正的倡议)”结合文章主要讲述了一位导师为了帮助被石油泄漏伤害的企鹅,辞职去为企鹅织毛衣。可知,这篇文章的主旨是一位导师辞职去给南极洲的企鹅织毛衣。故选C。
B 4
(2024·陕西渭南·一模)The British Museum’s rich collection of ancient Chinese paintings has attracted many visitors. At the heart of this preservation and revival of Chinese art history is senior conservator (文物修复员) Qiu Jinxian.
Joanna Kosek, head of Pictorial Art Conservation at the British Museum, told the Times Publications that Qiu is considered one of the museum’s most priceless treasures. “We let the treasure treat the treasure,” Kosek said.
In 1987, Qiu was introduced to Mrs. Jessica Rawson, director of the British Museum. At the time the museum lacked conservators specializing in ancient Chinese art. The Chinese ancient paintings and cultural relics in the museum were largely repaired by Japanese and British methods, which were unsuitable for Chinese artworks. As a result, many pieces remained in storage, hidden from public view.
Just before Christmas in 1987, Qiu had her first appointment at the British Museum. She was asked to repair a fire-damaged scroll by Fu Baoshi. Qiu’s methods, which included washing with warm water to separate the glue in order to repair the paper, stunned people on the spot. Some observers even got out the camera to record her methods as they’d never seen this way of restoring ancient art. Mrs. Rawson, amazed by Qiu Jinxian’s incredible skills, immediately invited Qiu to join the British Museum.
Chinese ancient paintings are notoriously difficult to repair because of their large size, complex materials, diverse colors, and rich composition. The most important thing is to understand the long history, meaning and culture behind the painting. Repair is an extremely time and energy intensive process. Each painting normally takes several months from cleaning to restoration and drying. Since 1987, Qiu has repaired more than 400 artworks.
Qiu told the media that she is very proud of her work. She wants more people to understand and appreciate Chinese history and culture through art. Although the artworks originated from China, they now belong to the people of the world.
13.Why is Qiu regarded as a treasure at the British Museum
A.She restored the Chinese scroll successfully.
B.She is the only Chinese conservator there.
C.She understands Chinese history comprehensively.
D.She possesses special skills in repairing the treasures.
14.What does the underlined word “stunned” in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Touched. B.Inspired. C.Shocked. D.Impacted.
15.What matters most for repairing Chinese artworks
A.Strong determination. B.Incredible painting skills.
C.A deep understanding of the objects. D.A sound knowledge of Chinese history.
16.Which of the following best describes Qiu
A.Modest and patient. B.Creative and talented.
C.Resourceful and humble. D.Innovative and dedicated.
【答案】13.D 14.C 15.C 16.D
13.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“Joanna Kosek, head of Pictorial Art Conservation at the British Museum, told the Times Publications that Qiu is considered one of the museum’s most priceless treasures.(大英博物馆绘画艺术保护部门负责人Joanna Kosek向《泰晤士报出版业》透露,邱被视为该博物馆最无价的珍宝之一。)”以及第四段中“Some observers even got out the camera to record her methods as they’d never seen this way of restoring ancient art. (一些观察者甚至拿出相机记录下她的方法,因为他们从未见过这种修复古代艺术品的方法。)”以及倒数第二段中“Repair is an extremely time and energy intensive process. Each painting normally takes several months from cleaning to restoration and drying. Since 1987, Qiu has repaired more than 400 artworks.( 维修是一个耗费大量时间和精力的过程。从清洁到修复和干燥,每幅画通常需要几个月的时间。自1987年以来,她已经修复了400多件艺术品。)”可知,邱锦仙在文物修复方面有着特殊技能,同时她已经修复了400多件艺术品,并且邱被视为该博物馆最无价的珍宝之一;可以推断出邱被视为英国博物馆的珍宝是因为她拥有修复珍宝的特殊技能。故选D。
14.词义猜测题。根据文章第四段划线词前面的内容“Qiu’s methods, which included washing with warm water to separate the glue in order to repair the paper, stunned people on the spot.(邱的方法包括用温水清洗以分离胶水来修复纸张,这让在场的人……)”以及后文“Some observers even got out the camera to record her methods as they’d never seen this way of restoring ancient art. (一些观察者甚至拿出相机记录她的方法,因为他们从未见过这种修复古代艺术的方式)”可以推断,一些观察者甚至拿出相机记录她的方法,因为他们从未见过这种修复古代艺术的方式,因此邱的修复方法让人们感到震惊。因此,划线词与选项C“Shocked.(震惊的)”意思相近。故选C。
15.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Chinese ancient paintings are notoriously difficult to repair because of their large size, complex materials, diverse colors, and rich composition. The most important thing is to understand the long history, meaning and culture behind the painting. (中国古画因为尺寸大、材料复杂、颜色多样、构图丰富而难以修复。最重要的是理解画作背后的悠久历史、意义和文化)”可知,修复中国艺术品最重要的是对修复对象的深刻理解。因此,选项C“A deep understanding of the objects.(对修复对象的深刻理解)”符合题意。故选C。
16.推理判断题。根据第四段中“Some observers even got out the camera to record her methods as they’d never seen this way of restoring ancient art. Mrs. Rawson, amazed by Qiu Jinxian’s incredible skills, immediately invited Qiu to join the British Museum.(一些观察者甚至拿出相机记录下她的方法,因为他们从未见过这种修复古代艺术品的方法。Rawson夫人被邱锦仙不可思议的技艺所折服,立即邀请她加入大英博物馆。)”以及最后一段中“Qiu told the media that she is very proud of her work. She wants more people to understand and appreciate Chinese history and culture through art. (邱告诉媒体,她对自己的工作感到非常自豪。她希望更多的人通过艺术来了解和欣赏中国的历史和文化。)”可知,邱锦仙对工作充满热情且致力于推广中国文化。D选项“Innovative and dedicated.(创新和专注)”符合题意。故选D。
B 5
(24-25高三上·云南昆明·阶段练习)Gary Guadagno had lost hope of ever finding his parents’ wedding rings. While selling his childhood home in Pennsylvania, in 2011, just before his mother’s passing away, Gary searched high and low for the rings. He didn’t find them. He figured his mother, who had Alzheimer’s, had thrown them out. He was devastated, but didn’t know what to do.
“They’re keepsakes and part of my family legacy,” he says. A decade passed and the rings never turned up. Then, last September, Gary got a Facebook message from Hannah Keuscher, who had bought his mother’s house back in 2011. One day, power failure suddenly happened, causing the lights off. Her husband, Josh Martin had to do the maintenance. It was at the moment that he discovered a jewelry box with two rings inside a kitchen light fixture. Keuscher and Martin suspected they held sentimental value for someone, and they thought the rings should be returned.
Anthony and Rosemarie Guadagno exchanged the rings when they got married in 1947. They moved into their two-bedroom house in the early 1950s. They raised Gary, their only child, while Anthony worked as a mechanic and Rosemarie as a stay-at-home parent. “They were just two very hardworking people and loved each other very much,” Gary says. In 1978, when Gary was 15, Anthony died of heart attack. Rosemarie started a 20-year career in the patient transport and supply department of the hospital that had employed her husband as a maintenance mechanic at the time of his death. She retired in 1998 as her Alzheimer’s progressed, and sometime before 2011, she put the wedding rings inside the kitchen light.
Keuscher knew little of that history. After the purchase of the house, eager to know about the previous householder, she had searched the name on the home’s bill of sale, which led to Rosemarie Guadagno’s obituary (讣告). Last September, she found it again, located Gary on Facebook and sent a message with news of the discovery.
17.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 1
A.Desperate. B.Annoyed. C.rightened. D.Regretful.
18.When did Martin find the two rings
A.He bought the house. B.He repaired the lamps.
C.He cleaned the lights. D.He got a Facebook message.
19.What did Rosemarie do shortly after losing her husband
A.She retired due to the progress of Alzheimer’s.
B.She hid the wedding rings inside the kitchen light.
C.She pursued a doctor’s career to treat heart disease.
D.She worked in the same hospital to support the family.
20.Why did Keuscher search the seller’s name at first
A.To satisfy her curiosity. B.To try returning the rings.
C.Io check Rosemarie’s death. D.To share the news of discovery.
【答案】17.A 18.B 19.D 20.A
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述Gary Guadagno父母的结婚戒指失而复得的故事。
17.词句猜测题。根据第一段“While selling his childhood home in Pennsylvania, in 2011, just before his mother’s passing away, Gary searched high and low for the rings. He didn’t find them. He figured his mother, who had Alzheimer’s, had thrown them out.( 2011年,就在他母亲去世之前,加里卖掉了他在宾夕法尼亚州的童年住宅,四处寻找戒指。他没有找到他们。他以为是得了老年痴呆症的母亲把他们扔出去的)”可知,Gary 到处找都没找到戒指,以为得了阿尔兹海默症的母亲把它们扔了,因此感到绝望。故划线词意思是“绝望的”。故选A。
18.细节理解题。 根据第二段“Her husband, Josh Martin had to the maintenance. It was at the moment that he discovered a jewelry box with two rings inside a kitchen light fixture.(她的丈夫乔希·马丁负责维护。就在那一刻,他在厨房的灯具里发现了一个装有两个戒指的首饰盒)”可知,Martin是在修理灯时偶然发现了戒指。故选B。
19.细节理解题。根据第三段“Rosemarie started a 20-year career in the patient transport and supply department of the hospital that had employed her husband as a maintenance mechanic at the time of his death.(罗斯玛丽在医院的病人运输和供应部门开始了20年的职业生涯,她丈夫去世时,她的丈夫是这家医院的维修机械师)”可知,丈夫一去世Rosemarie立刻去到丈夫生前工作的医院工作,挑起了养家的重担。故选D。
20.细节理解题。根据第四段“Keuscher knew little of that history. After the purchase of the house, eager to know about the previous householder, she had searched the name on the home’s bill of sale, which led to Rosemarie Guadagno’s obituary (讣告).(Keuscher对那段历史知之甚少。在买下这栋房子后,她急于了解前房主的情况,于是在房子的出售清单上搜索了这个名字,结果看到了罗斯玛丽·瓜达尼奥的讣告)”可知,出于对前房主的好奇,Keuscher买房后搜索了前房主名字。故选 A。
