高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第39天(含答案与音频)-2025届高三上学期英语一轮复习专项

高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第39天
1. __________ v. 想象,胡乱猜想 n. 想象力 __________
2. __________ adv. 立即 → adj. 立刻的 __________
3. __________ v. & n. 影响,冲击力 → adj. 嵌入的 __________
4. __________ v. 暗指,调查显示,使有必要 → n. 暗指,表明 ___________
5. __________ v. & n.进口,引进 → 反义:n. 出口 __________
6. __________ v. 给……留下好印象,使钦佩 → adj. 有深刻的好印象 __________
7. __________ n. 印象 → v. 给……留下好印象,使钦佩 _____________
8. __________ v. 改进,改善 → n. 改善,改进 __________
9. __________ n. 厘米,整体 v. 谨慎移动
10. __________ n. 发生的事,暴力事件 → adj. 次要的, 伴随而来的 ___________
11. __________ n. 收入,收益
12. __________ adj. 难以置信的,极好的 → adv. 极端地, 令人难以置信地 _________
13. __________ adv. 强调肯定陈述,真正地,实际上
14. __________ adj. 独立的,公正的,私营的 → n. 独立,自主 __________
15. __________ v. 表明,暗示,指向 n. 表示;迹象;暗示 __________
16. __________ adj. 单独的,个人的 → n. 个性,个人主义 __________ → 使个性化 _________
17.__________ n. 感染,传染病 → adj. 传染性的 __________
18. __________ v. 推断,间接指出 → n. 推论 __________
19. __________ adj. 有影响力的 → v. & n. 影响,作用 __________
20. __________ adj. 最初的 n. 首字母 → v. 初始化 _____________
二、短语习练 (每个短语读两遍)
1. 对……有影响 __________________ 7. have impression on _____________
2. 整体印象 __________________ 8. in by inch ________________
3. 进一步提升 __________________ 9. not budge an inch ________________
4. 得寸进尺 __________________ 10. draw inference from _____________
5. 外交冲突 __________________ 11. be influential in _________________
6. 可支配收入 __________________ 12. initial stage __________________
1. 演讲内容清晰地表明了一种新趋势。
连读示例: "indicate it" 可读作 "/ nd ke t t/"
2. 他的演讲对听众产生了深远的影响。
连读示例: "impact upon" 可读作 "/ mp kt p n/"
3. 演讲中提到独立思考对创新至关重要。
连读示例: "independent thought" 可读作 "/ nd pend nθ t/"
4. 去年那场影响深远的演讲给当地带来了巨大变化。
连读示例: "brought great" 可读作 "/br gre t/"
5. 他出色的表现给评委留下了持久的印象。
连读示例: "impression among" 可读作 "/ m pre n m /"
6. 独立思考的能力有助于提高人们的被动收入。
连读示例: "passive income" 可读作 "/ p s v n k m/"
A 主题语境:人与自我(生命意义与价值)
请用impact, impress, income, independently, indicate的正确形式完成下面的短文
The speaker’s excellent speech _________ audience greatly. His _________ words not only inspired everyone but also hinted at the _________ of new opportunities. He emphasized the importance of thinking _________ to foster innovation. By sharing his own journey, he showed how this mindset led to a significant increase in his _________ . It was a truly inspiring talk, leaving everyone motivated to pursue their dreams more independently.
B 主题语境:人与自我(生命意义与价值)
请用imagine, implicate, improve, incredible, individual正确形式完成下面的短文
Achieving independent thinking is crucial for realizing one’s personal value. It allows us to explore our _________ fully and understand the _________ of our actions. Through continuous self-reflection and learning, we can witness _________ in our thinking abilities. Embracing ________ also means daring to think differently, which can lead to _________ innovative ideas in our lives.
1. imagine v. 想象,胡乱猜想 n. 想象力 imagination
2. immediately adv. 立即 → adj. 立刻的 immediate
3. impact v. & n. 影响,冲击力 → adj. 嵌入的 impacted
4. imply v. 暗指,调查显示,使有必要 → n. 暗指,表明 implication
5. import v. & n. 进口,引进 → 反义:n. 出口 export
6. impress v. 给……留下好印象,使钦佩 → adj. 有深刻的好印象 impressive
7. impression n. 印象 → v. 给……留下好印象,使钦佩 impress
8. improve v. 改进,改善 → n. 改善,改进 improvement
9. inch n. 厘米,整体 v. 谨慎移动
10. incident n. 发生的事,暴力事件 → adj. 次要的, 伴随而来的incidental
11. income n. 收入,收益
12. incredible adj. 难以置信的,极好的 → adv. 极端地, 令人难以置信地 incredibly
13. indeed adv. 强调肯定陈述,真正地,实际上
14. independent adj. 独立的,公正的,私营的 → n. 独立,自主 independence
15. indicate v. 表明,暗示,指向 n. 表示;迹象;暗示 indication
16. individual adj. 单独的,个人的 → n. 个性,个人主义 individualism → 使个性化 individualize
17. infection n. 感染,传染病 → adj. 传染性的 infectious
18. infer v. 推断,间接指出 → n. 推论 inference
19. influential adj. 有影响力的 → v. & n. 影响,作用 influence
20. initial adj. 最初的 n. 首字母 → v. 初始化 initialize
二、短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
1. 对……有影响have impact on 7. have impression on 对……有印象
2. 整体印象general impression 8. inch by inch缓慢移动
3. 进一步提升further improvement 9. not budge an inch寸步不让
4. 得寸进尺give sb. an inch 10. draw inference from得出推论
5. 外交冲突 diplomatic incident 11. be influential in 在……方面有影响力
6. 可支配收入disposable income 12. initial stage 初始阶段
1. 演讲内容清晰地表明了一种新趋势。
翻译:The contents clearly indicate it is a new trend.
连读示例: "indicate it" 可读作 "/ nd ke t t/"
2. 他的演讲对听众产生了深远的影响。
翻译:His speech had a profound impact upon the audience.
连读示例: "impact upon" 可读作 "/ mp kt p n/"
3. 演讲中提到独立思考对创新至关重要。
翻译:The speech mentioned independent thought is crucial for innovation.
连读示例: "independent thought" 可读作 "/ nd pend nθ t/"
4. 去年那场影响深远的演讲给当地带来了巨大变化。
翻译:The influential speech last year brought great changes to the local area.
连读示例: "brought great" 可读作 "/br gre t/"
5. 他出色的表现给评委留下了持久的印象。
翻译:His excellent performance made a lasting impression among the judges.
连读示例: "impression among" 可读作 "/ m pre n m /"
6. 独立思考的能力有助于提高人们的被动收入。
翻译:The ability of independent thought helps to improve passive income among people.
连读示例: "passive income" 可读作 "/ p s v n k m/"
A 主题语境:人与自我(生命意义与价值)
请用impact, impress, income, independently, indicate的正确形式完成下面的短文
The speaker’s excellent speech impacts audience greatly. His impressive words not only inspired everyone but also hinted at the indication of new opportunities. He emphasized the importance of thinking independently to foster innovation. By sharing his own journey, he showed how this mindset led to a significant increase in his income. It was a truly inspiring talk, leaving everyone motivated to pursue their dreams more independently.
请用imagine, implicate, improve, incredible, individual正确形式完成下面的短文
Achieving independent thinking is crucial for realizing one’s personal value. It allows us to explore our imagination fully and understand the implication of our actions. Through continuous self-reflection and learning, we can witness improvement in our thinking abilities. Embracing individualism also means daring to think differently, which can lead to incredibly innovative ideas in our lives.
