高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第50天(含答案与音频)-2025届高三上学期英语一轮复习专项

高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第50天
1. __________ prep. 到...之上,面朝,通向
2. __________ n. 歌剧,歌剧院,歌剧团
3. __________ v. 运转,操作,手术,__________,__________,__________→ adj. 正常运转的,操作的,军事行动的 __________ → adv. 操作上 __________
4. __________ n. 操作员,经营者,接线员 → v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术,起作用 __________
5. __________ n. 意见,看法
6. __________ n. 对手,反对者 adj. 对立的,敌对的 → n. 对立 __________
7. __________ n. 机会
8. __________ v. 反对,抵制 → adj. 反对的,敌对的 __________ → adj. 完全相反的,对面的 n. 对立的人/物 adv & prep.在对面 __________ → n. 反抗,对抗__________
9. __________ adj. 乐观的→ adv. 乐观地 __________ → n.乐观主义__________
10. __________ n. 选择,期权,选修课 → adj. 可选择的,选修的 __________ → v. 选择__________
11. __________ n.(环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道;影响范围,眼眶 v.环绕……运行→ adj. 轨道的,环绕的,眼窝的 n. 环形高速公路 _________→ n. 轨道飞行器 _________
12. __________ adj. 普通的,平常的 n. 常见的人/物 → adj. 非凡的_________
13. __________ n. 器官,__________,风琴 → v. 生物,有机体 __________
14. __________ adj. 有机的,生物的,器官的
15. __________ n. 组织,机构,筹备工作,条理 → v. 组织,安排 _________ → n. 组织者 __________
16. __________ n. 起源,出身,血统 → v. 起源,创立 __________
17.__________ adj. 起初的,原作的,独创的,新颖的 __________ → adv. 原来,起初 __________ → n. 创始人 __________
18. __________ adv. 否则,__________,以其他方式
19. __________(表示义务、忠告)应该, (表示推测)应该
20. __________ n. 结果,效果
二、短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
2.坚持,紧握 __________________ Peking opera __________________
2. 对......动手术/起作用 __________________ 8. put... into operation __________________
(表示对比)而,相对于 __________________ be opposite to__________________
反对做...... __________________ organic farming __________________
别无选择做...... __________________ nonprofit organization __________________
起源于 __________________ ought to do __________________
1. 手术本身是一个短暂、无痛的过程。
连读示例: "operation itself" 可读作 "/ p re n t self/"
2. 该公司本应减少排放,却因污染而面临罚款。
连读示例: "ought to have" 可读作 "/ t h v/"
3. 宇宙飞船必须按轨道飞行,否则宇航员就无法到达这里。
连读示例: "here otherwise" 可读作 "/h r rwa z/"
4. 科学家们热切期待着这次任务的结果,它将对未来的太空探索工作产生重大影响。
连读示例: "mission’s outcome" 可读作 "/m nz a tk m/"
连读示例: "onto its" 可读作 "/ nt ts/"
连读示例: "main opponent of" 可读作 "/me n po n nt f/";
A 主题语境:人与社会(组织与机构)
请用operation, original, option, opponent, organization的正确形式完成下面的短文
In our community, the local charity, which has been _____________ for over a decade, recently _____________ a food drive to support the homeless. Its _____________ explained that the extraordinary event, which was organized with the help of several volunteers, provided _____________ for people to donate either canned goods or fresh produce. Despite facing criticism from some _____________ groups, the charity continued to organize such an event, arguing that it foster a sense of community.
请用origin, optimistic, oppose, orbit的正确形式完成下面的短文
The space agency’s latest mission, an _____________ designed with _____________ technology, is being launched to explore Mars. This probe, which will travel in an _____________ direction to previous missions, is expected to provide a different outcome. Scientists _____________predict that the data it collects will shed new light on the planet’s geology(地质状况), potentially altering our understanding of its history.
1. onto prep. 到...之上,面朝,通向
2. opera n. 歌剧,歌剧院,歌剧团
3. operation n. 运转,操作,手术,公司,经营,军事行动 → adj. 正常运转的,操作的,运营的,军事行动的 operational → adv. 操作上 operationally
4. operator n. 操作员,经营者,接线员 → v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术,起作用 operate
opinion n. 意见,看法
opponent n. 对手,反对者 adj. 对立的,敌对的 → n. 对立 opponency
opportunity n. 机会
oppose v反对,抵制 → adj. 反对的,敌对的opposed → adj. 完全相反的,对面的 n. 对立的人/物 adv & prep.在对面 opposite → n. 反抗,对抗 opposition
optimistic adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的 → adv. 乐观地 optimistically → n. 乐观主义 optimism
10. option n. 选择,期权,选修课 → adj. 可选择的,选修的optional → v. 选择 opt
11. orbit n.(环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道;影响范围,眼眶 v.环绕……运行→ adj. 轨道的,环绕的,眼窝的 n. 环形高速公路 orbital → n. 轨道飞行器 orbiter
12. ordinary adj. 普通的,平常的 n. 常见的人/物 → adj. 非凡的 extraordinary
13. organ n. 器官,机构,风琴 → v. 生物,有机体 organism
14. organic adj. 有机的,生物的,器官的
15. organization n. 组织,机构,筹备工作,条理 → v. 组织,安排 organize → n. 组织者 organizer
16. origin n. 起源,出身,血统 → v. 起源,创立originate
17. original adj. 起初的,原作的,独创的,新颖的 n. 原作 → adv. 原来,起初 originally → n. 创始人 originator
18. otherwise adv. 否则,除此以外,以其他方式
19. ought to (表示义务、忠告)应该, (表示推测)应该
20. outcome n. 结果,效果
短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
坚持,紧握 hold onto Peking opera 京剧
2. 对......动手术/起作用 operate on put... into operation 实施,使运转
3.(表示对比)而,相对于 as opposed to be opposite to 与......相反,在......对面
4.反对做...... oppose doing organic farming 有机耕作
5.别无选择做...... have no option but to do... nonprofit organization 非营利组织
6.起源于 originate from ought to do 应该做
1. 手术本身是一个短暂、无痛的过程。
翻译:The operation itself is a brief, painless procedure.
连读示例: "operation itself" 可读作 "/ p re n t self/"
翻译:The company, which ought to have reduced emissions, faces fines for pollution.
连读示例: "ought to have" 可读作 "/ t h v/"
3. 宇宙飞船必须按轨道飞行,否则宇航员就无法到达这里。
翻译:The spacecraft must follow the orbit,the astronauts wouldn’t be here otherwise.
连读示例: "here otherwise" 可读作 "/h r rwa z/"
4. 科学家们热切期待着这次任务的结果,它将对未来的太空探索工作产生重大影响。
翻译:The mission’s outcome, which scientists eagerly await, will significantly influence future space exploration efforts.
连读示例: "mission’s outcome" 可读作 "/m nz a tk m/"
5. 为探索火星而设计的火箭成功降落在火星表面。
翻译:The rocket, which was designed to explore Mars, successfully landed onto its surface.
连读示例: "onto its" 可读作 "/ nt ts/"
翻译:The main opponent of our organization is a large corporation that prioritizes profit over sustainability.
连读示例: "main opponent of" 可读作 "/me n po n nt f/";
A 主题语境:人与社会(组织与机构)
请用operation, original, option, opponent, organization的正确形式完成下面的短文
In our community, the local charity, which has been operating for over a decade, recently organized a food drive to support the homeless. Its originator explained that the extraordinary event, which was organized with the help of several volunteers, provided options for people to donate either canned goods or fresh produce. Despite facing criticism from some opponent groups, the charity continued to organize such an event, arguing that it foster a sense of community.
请用origin, optimistic, oppose, orbit的正确形式完成下面的短文
The space agency’s latest mission, an orbiter designed with original technology, is being launched to explore Mars. This probe, which will travel in an opposite direction to previous missions, is expected to provide a different outcome. Scientists optimistically predict that the data it collects will shed new light on the planet’s geology(地质状况), potentially altering our understanding of its history.
