1、高考英语读后续写正面情绪描写高分佳句1.A radiant smile spread across her face, lighting up the room like a warm sunbeam.她脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容,像温暖的阳光照亮了整个房间。2.His eyes sparkled with joy as he held the long - awaited gift in his hands.当他手中拿着期待已久的礼物时,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。3.She felt a surge of elation coursing through her veins, making her
2、want to jump for joy.她感到一阵兴奋在血管中涌动,让她想高兴得跳起来。4.Happiness welled up inside him like a gentle spring, filling every corner of his heart.幸福像一股清泉在他心中涌起,填满了他内心的每个角落。5.A sense of contentment washed over her, making her feel at peace with the world.一种满足感涌上她的心头,让她觉得与世界和谐相处。6.He was brimming with enthusiasm
3、as he embarked on the new adventure.当他开始新的冒险时,充满了热情。7.Her heart danced with delight at the sight of her friends waiting for her.看到朋友们在等她,她的内心高兴得直雀跃。8.A wave of pride swelled within him as he watched his daughter receive the award.看着女儿领奖,一股自豪感在他心中涌起。9.She skipped along the path, her steps light as a