高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第44天(含答案与音频)-2025届高三上学期英语一轮复习专项

高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第44天
1. __________ n. 液体 adj. 液体的 → __________ n. 固体 adj. 固体的;结实的
2. __________ adv. 字面上;真正地 → __________ adj. 字面上的;刻板的
3. __________ adj. 文学的;爱好文学的 → __________ n. 识字;读写能力
4. __________ n. 文学;文献
5. __________ adj. 活的 n. 生机;生活方式 → __________ v. 生存;居住 adj. 活的;有生命的 → __________ adj.活着的;活跃的
6. __________ n. 负载;大量;负担 v. 装上;载入 → __________ v. 上传 n. 上载(上传)的内容 → __________ v. 下载 n. 下载的内容
7. __________ n. 贷款;借用 v. 借出
8. __________ n. 地点;外景拍摄地 → __________ v. 找出......的位置;使......坐落于 → __________ adj. 坐落于
9. __________ n. 原木;航海日志 v. 正式记录;行驶
10. __________ adj. 符合逻辑的 → __________ n. 逻辑;道理
11. __________ adj. 松动的;宽松的;懒散的 v. 释放 adv. 宽松地 n. 在逃 → __________ adv. 宽松地;轻率地
12. __________ adj. 下面的;在底部的 v. 把......放低;减少 → __________ adj. 低的,矮的 n. 低点
13. __________ adj. 月亮的;阴历的
14. __________ n. 肺
15. __________ n. 奢侈;奢侈品 → __________ adj. 奢华的
16. __________ n. 夫人
17. __________ n. 邮政;邮件 v. 邮寄
18. __________ v. 维持;保养;坚持(意见) → __________ n. 维护,保养;保持
19. __________ adj. 主要的;主修的 n. 主修课程 v. 主修 → __________ adj. 较小的;轻微的 n.未成年人;辅修课程 v. 辅修
20. __________ n. 大部分 → __________ n. 少数;少数派 adj. 少数的;少数民族的
二、短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
谋生 __________________ loan sth. (out) (to sb./sth.) ________________
2. 许多 __________________ 7. log in/on ________________
坐落于 __________________ 8. on the loose ________________
主修 __________________ get a load of sb./sth. ________________
向某人邮寄某物 __________________ lunar calendar________________
1. 指导老师建议我选修高级文学指导老师建议我选修高级文学。
连读示例: "media abuse" 可读作 "/ mi di bju s/"
连读示例: "suitable accommodation" 可读作 "/ su t bl k m de n/"
3. 在获得贷款时,我们不得不以房子作保证金。
连读示例: "to abandon her" 可读作 "/t b nd n r/"
连读示例: "absence from" 可读作 "/ bs nsfr m/"
连读示例: "The abstract of" 可读作 "/ bstr kt v/"
连读示例: 1)"academic subjects" 可读作 "/ k dem ks b d kts/";
2)"His accent made it" 可读作 "/h z ks ntme dit/
A 主题语境:人与社会(文学)
请用literary, literature, locate, logical, live, loan的正确形式完成下面的短文
When I was a child, I loved reading books that were full of ________charm. My parents often took me to the library, where I ________my favorite stories. One day, I found a book that was a bit ________for me, but I was determined to understand it. I felt alive in the world of the book, trying to make sense of its complex plot. Eventually, I loaned the book from the library and brought it home. As I read it ________ every day, I gradually grasped its meaning. It was a challenging but rewarding experience that sparked my love for literature.
请用major, mail, maintain的正确形式完成下面的短文
In our school, the ________ of students ________ in science subjects work hard. They often send their science projects to various competitions. ________ their high standards, they spend a lot of time in the lab. The school also ________ newsletters to parents to keep them informed. This major effort helps students stay focused and achieve their goals.
1. liquid n. 液体 adj. 液体的 → solid n. 固体 adj. 固体的;结实的
2. literally adv. 字面上;真正地 → literal adj. 字面上的;刻板的
3. literary adj. 文学的;爱好文学的 → literacy n. 识字;读写能力
4. literature n. 文学;文献
5. living adj.活的 n. 生机;生活方式 → live v. 生存;居住 adj. 活的;有生命的 → alive adj. 活着的;活跃的
6. load n. 负载;大量;负担 v. 装上;载入 → upload v. 上传 n. 上载(上传)的内容 → download v. 下载 n. 下载的内容
7. loan n. 贷款;借用 v. 借出
8. location n. 地点;外景拍摄地 → locate v. 找出......的位置;使......坐落于 → located adj. 坐落于
9. log n. 原木;航海日志 v. 正式记录;行驶
10. logical adj. 符合逻辑的 → logic n. 逻辑;道理
11. loose adj. 松动的;宽松的;懒散的 v. 释放 adv. 宽松地 n. 在逃 → loosely adv. 宽松地;轻率地
12. lower adj. 下面的;在底部的 v. 把......放低;减少 → low adj. 低的,矮的 n. 低点
13. lunar adj. 月亮的;阴历的
14. lung n. 肺
15. luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品 → luxurious adj. 奢华的
16. madam n. 夫人
17. mail n. 邮政;邮件 v. 邮寄
18. maintain v. 维持;保养;坚持(意见) → maintenance n. 维护,保养;保持
19. major adj. 主要的;主修的 n. 主修课程 v. 主修 → minor adj. 较小的;轻微的 n. 未成年人;辅修课程 v. 辅修
20. majority n. 大部分 → minority n. 少数;少数派 adj. 少数的;少数民族的
二、短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
谋生 make/earn a living loan sth. (out) (to sb./sth.) 向......出借
2. 许多 loads of/a load of 7. log in/on 登陆,进入
坐落于 be located in/on 8. on the loose 已逃出,自由
主修 major in get a load of sb./sth. (用以让人)看,听
向某人邮寄某物 mail sb. sth./mail sth. to sb. lunar calendar阴历
1. 指导老师建议我选修高级文学指导老师建议我选修高级文学。
翻译:My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature.
连读示例: media abuse" 可读作 "/ mi di bju s/"
翻译:She thought she was unable to bear the load of bringing up the children alone.
连读示例: "suitable accommodation" 可读作 "/ su t bl k m de n/"
3. 在获得贷款时,我们不得不以房子作保证金。
翻译:We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan
连读示例: "to abandon her" 可读作 "/t b nd n r/"
翻译:The world swimming champion’s coach maintains that different age groups should develop their own specific skills.
连读示例: "absence from" 可读作 "/ bs nsfr m/"
翻译:His opinion represents that of the majority.
连读示例: "The abstract of" 可读作 "/ bstr kt v/"
翻译:By distracting the mind from the pain, music can lower stress and anxiety levels.
连读示例: 1)"academic subjects" 可读作 "/ k dem ks b d kts/";
2)"His accent made it" 可读作 "/h z ks ntme dit/
A 主题语境:人与社会(文学)
请用literary, literature, locate, logical, live, loan的正确形式完成下面的短文
When I was a child, I loved reading books that were full of literary charm. My parents often took me to the library, where I located my favorite stories. One day, I found a book that was a bit illogical for me, but I was determined to understand it. I felt alive in the world of the book, trying to make sense of its complex plot. Eventually, I loaned the book from the library and brought it home. As I read it literally every day, I gradually grasped its meaning. It was a challenging but rewarding experience that sparked my love for literature.
请用major, mail, maintain的正确形式完成下面的短文
In our school, the majority of students majoring in science subjects work hard. They often send their science projects to various competitions. To maintain their high standards, they spend a lot of time in the lab. The school also mails newsletters to parents to keep them informed. This major effort helps students stay focused and achieve their goals.
