2024-2025高一英语期末听力进阶突破 生词清障+试题+材料+答案解析(十)(含答案含听力原文与音频)

音标:[ setl]
例句:We need to settle the problem as soon as possible.(我们需要尽快解决这个问题。)
音标:[ ter bli]
例句:I'm terribly sorry.(我非常抱歉。)
音标:[ pr v l d ]
例句:Only members have the privilege to enter the club.(只有会员才有进入俱乐部的特权。)
音标:[tr d n]
例句:It's a Chinese tradition to have a family reunion on Spring Festival.(春节团聚是中国的传统。)
音标:[ wed ]
例句:They had a beautiful wedding.(他们举办了一场漂亮的婚礼。)
音标:[ su tke s]
例句:She packed her suitcase for the trip.(她为旅行收拾行李箱。)
音标:[ p l si]
例句:The government has made some new policies.(政府制定了一些新政策。)
音标:[ d vɑ ns]
例句:We made great advances in science.(我们在科学上取得了很大进步。)
音标:[r si t]
例句:Don't forget to ask for a receipt.(别忘了要收据。)
音标:[ t t ]
例句:Please attach your photo to the application form.(请在申请表上附上你的照片。)
音标:[ k spens]
例句:The trip cost a lot of expenses.(这次旅行花费了很多费用。)
音标:[ m ks m m]
例句:The maximum speed is 120 km/h.(最高速度是 120 公里每小时。)
音标:[ fa n ns]
汉语意思:财政,金融;资金;为…… 提供资金
例句:He works in the finance department.(他在财务部工作。)
音标:[ k ntr bju n]
例句:He made a great contribution to the project.(他对这个项目做出了很大贡献。)
音标:[r spekt]
例句:We should respect our elders.(我们应该尊敬长辈。)
第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What is the woman
A. A new teacher. B. A doctor. C. An engineer.
2. Where is the woman now
A. At the gas station. B. In the car. C. In the hotel.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. Free time. B. Work time. C. School time.
4. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a bank. B. In a market. C. In a hotel.
5. Which bus will the man take to the zoo
A. The No. 36 bus. B. The No. 301 bus. C. The No. 103 bus.
第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the man plan to do at first
A. Have some tea. B. Water the garden. C. Look after the garden.
7. What was the garden like last summer
A. It was dry. B. It was wet. C. It was good.
8. Why do the speakers have a get-together
A. Dad's birthday. B. Grandpa's birthday. C. The woman's birthday.
9. What is the woman's favourite food
A. Noodles. B. Fish. C. Cake.
10. What can we know about the man's friends
A. They seldom eat at home. B. They like art. C. They like cooking.
11. Why is the man unwilling to give a picture to his friends
A. They don't like art.
B. It will cost too much money.
C. He doesn't know what to choose.
12. What are the speakers discussing
A. Preparation of the wedding. B. Choosing gifts. C. Table manners.
13. Where will the woman go
A. Guangzhou. B. A Christmas party. C. A customer's home.
14. What is the woman told to pack
A. Her business cards. B. Her introduction letter. C. Her clothes and shoes.
15 Which of the following is true
A. The company's cash is used for a short trip.
B. Any business trip is paid by check.
C. Expense account is kept as one's proof.
16. When will the woman ring up the finance department
A. Before leaving. B. This afternoon. C. Next Monday morning.
17. What is the speaker talking about
A. How a senior high student can respect his teacher.
B. What a senior high student should do.
C. Why the school is so beautiful.
18. Which grade are they in now
A. Senior high. B. Junior high. C. Primary.
19. What should the students do to get on well with each other
A. Help and learn from each other.
B. Love and respect the teachers.
C. Be rude to others.
20. When is the speech delivered
A. At night. B. In the morning. C. In the afternoon.
1—5 ABACB 6—10 BABCA 11—15 CBAAC 16—20 BBAAC
( 符号指想答案依据)
Text 1
W: Good morning, I am new here. Can you tell me where the headmaster's office is
M: Our headmaster's office is on the second floor.
W: Thank you.
Text 2
W: Why did you stop the car here It's still a long way from our hotel.
M: It stopped itself. It was out of gas.(它没油了。) You stay inside and I' ll find a gas station.
Text 3
M: What do you usually do in your spare time
W: Well, I usually go hiking with my friends or go to the cinema.
Text 4
M: Good morning, Madam. How can I help you
W: T'd like to have my bill settled. My name is Sarah Stone and my room number is 1808.
M: OK, Madam.
Text 5
M: Excuse me. Which bus can I catch to the zoo
W: Well, you can take the No.36 bus here, but then you have to walk about 15 minutes.
M: That doesn't sound good.
W: Actually, if you take Bus 301 in the next block, it will take you right to the zoo.
M: Maybe that's what I' ll do. Thanks a lot.
Text 6
W: Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter
M: Not yet, dear. I must water the garden(给花园浇水) first.
W: Do you have to water it now
M: I'm afraid I must. Look at it. It's terribly dry.
W: What a pity!
M: Last summer it was very dry, too. Don't you remember I had to water it every day.
W: Well, I' ll have tea by myself. That was quick! Have you finished already
M: Yes, dear. Look out of the window.
W: Good heavens! It's raining. That means you needn't water the garden.
M: That is a pleasant surprise. It means I can have tea, instead.
Text 7
W: Grandpa, this seat is for you, for you are the eldest person here and also it's your birthday today.
M: Oh, you are such a good child today. Come here. Sit next to me.
W: I'm afraid I can't do that. It's Dad's seat, according to the book about table manners.
M: Oh, you read Very good. Then, I think we should do something different today. I' ll give you some privileges.
W: Great. That's my favourite seat which will be the nearest to the birthday cake.
M: Now I see what you read the book for. But it's fine. I' ll give you the lion's share.
W: Why do they serve up the noodles first I don't like it. Where is the cake
M: These are not common noodles. They' re long-life noodles. It's an old Chinese tradition to(做某事是中国的传统) eat long-life noodles on the birthday.
W: I see. Then I' ll try it.
Text 8
M: My friends are getting married next month.
W: That's great. Are you going to the wedding
M: No, I can't go. I'm going to send them a wedding gift, but I don't know what to send.
W: How about something for their kitchen that they can use to cook, such as a pan
M: I don't think they cook much. They' re both really busy. I think they eat out a lot.
W: Well, how about something for their new house, like a nice picture Do they like art
M: Maybe, but I haven't seen their house, and I don't know what would look good. It's hard to choose art for someone else.
W: That's true. Well, if you really don't have any ideas, why don't you give them money They could probably use it.
M: That's a good idea. I guess I could do that.
Text 9
W: I am going on a business trip(出差) to Guangzhou next Monday morning.
M: To visit our suppliers
W: Yes, as the New Year is coming, they' re organizing a party for all their customers.
M: Well, I guess you will meet many people in this field. So don't forget to pack enough business cards in your suitcase.
W: Sure.
M: By the way, do you know that our company just made some changes in the business trip policy
W: No, no one has informed me of that so far; please tell me.
M: OK, there is no cash advance any more for short trips. You have to pay out of your own pocket, so save all the receipts on your business trip. And then attach them to your expense account. When you get back, you can give them to our company.
W: I see. What about the maximum rate Does it have any change
M: I am not sure. You can check with the finance department.
W: I will call them this afternoon; thanks.
M: You' re welcome. Have a nice trip.
Text 10
M: Good afternoon, everyone! We are very happy to become senior high school students now. It's well known that our school is very famous. As new members of this school, we must follow the school rules. We must study hard and do well in all subjects. And it's our duty to keep our beautiful school clean and tidy. Furthermore, we should love and respect our teachers and be polite to others(我们应该敬爱师长,对别人有礼貌). In this big family, we also need to help and learn from each other. Exercise is important to us all. If everyone makes a contribution to(对……做贡献) our school, it will be more beautiful. We hope everyone in this school will have a bright future.(我们希望这所学校的每个人都有一个光明的未来。)
That's all. Thanks for your listening!
