7.【2025年高一英语寒假作业】能力提升组合卷及单词读前清障之 最新全国各地真题模拟题(测试版+解析版)

最新全国各地真题模拟题 测试版
语篇 主题语境 体裁 难度系数 适合阶段
A 人与社会之第30届欧洲青年围棋锦标赛 应用文 较易(0.85) 高三复习
B 人与社会之一项研究表明手写笔记能增强学习效果 说明文 适中(0.65)
七选五 人与社会之几个关于自我原谅,并弥补错误建议 说明文 适中(0.65)
完形填空 人与社会之西蒙在自家后花园建老鼠村并从中得到快乐的故事 记叙文 适中(0.65)
语法填空 人与社会之不健康减肥习惯对青少年的危害 议论文 适中(0.65)
应用文写作 写一篇投稿于你校英文报 根据课间时间延长到15分钟这一变化写一篇英语短文,
championship [ t mpi n p] n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位
annual [ nju l] adj. 年度的;每年的;n. 年刊;一年生植物
tournament [ t rn m nt] n. 锦标赛;联赛;比赛
celebrate [ sel bre t] v. 庆祝;庆贺;赞美;主持(宗教仪式)
registration [ red stre n] n. 登记;注册;挂号;登记(或注册、挂号)人数
requirement [r kwa rm nt] n. 要求;必要条件;必需品
standard [ st nd rd] n. 标准;水准;规格;adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的
advance [ d v ns] v. 前进;进展;促进;提前;n. 前进;进展;预付款;adj. 预先的;先行的
secure [s kj r] v. 保护;(使)获得;使安全;确保;adj. 安全的;无虑的;有把握的;牢固的
schedule [ sked u l] n. 时间表;日程安排表;清单;v. 安排;预定;将…… 列入计划表
ceremony [ ser mo ni] n. 典礼;仪式;礼节;礼仪
performance [p r f rm ns] n. 表演;表现;性能;执行
generous [ d en r s] adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽宏大量的;丰盛的
digital [ d d tl] adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的;n. 数字;数字式
process [ prɑ ses] v. 处理;加工;审核;列队行进;n. 过程;工序;工艺流程;做事方法
existing [ ɡ z st ] adj. 现存的;目前的;v. 存在;生存;生活(exist 的现在分词)
educational [ ed u ke nl] adj. 教育的;有教育意义的;提供咨询的
neuroscientist [ n ro sa nt st] n. 神经科学家
strengthen [ stre θn] v. 加强;增强;巩固;变强
cognitive [ kɑ ɡn t v] adj. 认知的;认识的;有感知的
第一部分 阅读理解
第一节 (共7小题;每小题2.5分,满分17.5分)
(24-25高一上·江苏镇江·期末)The 30th European Youth Go (围棋) Championship
The European Youth Go Championship is an annual tourmament (锦标赛) that brings together young Go players from across Europe to take part, learn, and celebrate the game. This year marks the 30th year of the championship, an important event that brings its full circle to its origins in Romania.
For deciding if a player falls in a certain age group he/she must satisfy age requirements: born on 1st September 2013 or later for U12, born on 1st September 2007 or later for U18.
Registration Fees (费用):
25 EUR/125 RON — Early registration, until December 31st, 2024
35 EUR/175 RON — Standard registration, until February 15th, 2025
50 EUR/250 RON — Late registration, until the tournament day
We strongly encourage all players to register in advance to secure their place and avoid being late.
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Friday, March 7th, 2025 Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Arrival 11:00 - 12:00 Registration 20:00 - 21:00 Opening Ceremony 21:00 - 22:00 Registration 21:00 - 22:00 Team Leaders Meeting 09:00 - 09:30 Late registration10:00 EYGC Round 1 15:00 EYGC Round 2 17:00 Pair Go Round 1 18:00 Pair Go Round 2 10:00 EYGC Round 3 15:00 EYGC Round 4 17:00 Pair Go Semi-Finals18:00 Pair Go Finals 10:00 EYGC Round 5 15:00 EYGC Round 6 18:00 Awarding Ceremony Departure
The European Go Federation will be providing a prize of 1000 EUR for the European Youth Go Championship 2025. Top performers will receive this generous prize for their hard work, efforts and skill.
1. What is the main purpose of players joining in the European Youth Go Championship
A. To learn leadership skills. B. To attend the opening ceremony.
C. To praise the tournament D. To enjoy the Go event
2. What decides the registration fee
A. Age group. B. Payment method.
C. Skill level. D. Registration date.
3. When will EYGC Round 2 begin
A. At 11 a.m. on Mar. 5. B. At 3 p.m. on Mar. 6.
C. At 10 a.m. on Mar. 7. D. At 6 p.m. on Mar. 8.
(24-25高一上·江西宜春·期末)Handwriting notes in class might seem old-fashioned as digital technology affects nearly every part of learning. But a recent study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that taking notes with pen and paper is still the best way to learn, especially for young children.
The new research is based on a 2014 study that suggested people may type notes quickly, without thinking much about what they’re writing — but writing by hand is slower and makes them actively pay attention to and process the incoming information. This way of building on existing knowledge can make it easier for students to stay interested and understand new ideas more easily.
To understand specific brain-activity differences during the two note-taking methods, the researchers of the new study put 256 electrodes (电极) into a hairnet, which let the scientists record 36 students’ brain activity as they wrote or typed words. When students wrote by hand, the electrodes picked up widespread brain connectivity. Typing, however, resulted in little activity in brain areas.
Vanderbilt University educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher says the recent study stresses the clear tie between bodily movements and understanding ideas, “As you’re writing a word, you’re taking this continuous understanding of something and creating it.” That creation then affects and strengthens the connection between an action and the words related to it.
Vinci-Booher notes that the new findings don’t mean technology is always a disadvantage in the classroom. Digital tools can be more helpful for writing papers and offer more equal educational opportunities. However, more and more people are relying on digital tools to perform cognitive (认知的) tasks, such as taking photos instead of memorizing information. Yadurshana Sivashankar, a researcher at the University of Waterloo says, “If we’re not actively using these areas, then they are going to become worse over time.”
4. Why does the author mention the 2014 study
A. To make the research more believable.
B. To compare two note taking methods.
C. To present different research findings.
D. To show the advantage of writing slowly.
5. What can be learned from the experiment in Paragraph 3
A. Typing made the brain connectivity more active.
B. Electrodes were only used to record typing words.
C. Electrodes were connected to students’ hair directly.
D. Writing by hand uses more brain power than typing.
6. What would Sophia Vinci-Booher probably advise students to do
A. Memorize words by writing. B. Take advantage of digital tools.
C. Use a new way to taking notes. D. Make better use of technology.
7. What is the main idea of the text
A. Technology is an advantage in classroom.
B. Taking notes improves students’ brain activity.
C. Writing by hand comes with learning benefits.
D. Two note-taking methods have clear differences.
(24-25高一上·湖南郴州·期末)Forgiving someone for negative behavior isn’t easy, especially when someone is you. We’re often a lot harder on ourselves than we are on others, which makes it hard to forgive ourselves for past wrongs. 8 . Here are several tips to forgive yourself for being negative, and make up for a wrong.
Admit and accept what happened
Admit what you’ve done is the first step to self-forgiveness. If you have many incidents or a long history of negative behavior, pick one behavior or one incident to start with. 9 . But remember that they’re part of learning and growing.
Let go of your negative emotions
Getting rid of negative feelings makes forgiveness possible. Negative emotions and limiting beliefs are stored in your nervous system, making it hard to keep beating yourself up about what happened. 10 . You can write a letter to yourself detailing all of your negative thoughts. You also can read it out loud to yourself, sit with it for a while, and then throw it out.
A sincere apology faces the situation directly. It’s uncomfortable to apologize for your actions, but your willingness to come forward and make up for a wrong will help you forgive yourself for whatever happened. Sincerely explain your actions to the person you’re really sorry for.
Try to make things right
If there’s anything you can do to make up for what you’ve done, do it. Atonement (赎罪) helps you forgive yourself and shows the people you’ve hurt that you’re sorry. 12 . Put your regret into action and do things to minimize or erase the damage you’ve done to your relationships.
A. Ask for forgiveness
B. Give yourself a chance
C. Admitting mistakes makes you better
D. It can feel embarrassing to admit mistakes
E. This is surely better than punishing yourself
F. You can find the feelings that hold you back and let them go
G. Luckily, self-forgiveness is a skill that can be practised and improved
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
(24-25高一上·江西宜春·期末)Six years ago, Simon Dell began creating his “mouse village” when he found a wild mouse in his back garden. Since then, he has added lots of things to it — all 13 from recycled materials (回收材料).
Simon 14 daily village activities and posts the images across his social media. “Without the 15 of making little things for little things, I could soon 16 back into disappointment and sadness,” he says. “The mouse village gave me back my smile. I hope it gives others the same 17 it gives me.”
At the beginning of his journey, after he created the 18 for the first mouse, which he named George, he began 19 more homes next door. Within days, a few mice pals moved in, expecting to also 20 the comforts of the village.
The cameraman began adding 21 to the small houses, making dining tables and clothes washing lines, and giving them props (道具) for 22 like painting and gardening. Simon believes it can be 23 to take good photos of mice as they are 24 animals. “But when it’s sunny, they seem more than 25 to strike a cute pose or two in 26 for a bit of food.”
Today, Simon says there are around 20 mice in the village, and the mouse village has given him and many of his social media followers great joy among personal 27 .
13. A. built B. saved C. got D. borrowed
14. A. observes B. organizes C. photos D. explains
15. A. fun B. time C. right D. possibility
16. A. take B. swim C. shake D. fall
17. A. freedom B. joy C. courage D. knowledge
18. A. road B. roof C. shelter D. playground
19. A. adding B. painting C. removing D. checking
20. A. move toward B. benefit from C. bring out D. make up
21. A. rules B. names C. contacts D. details
22. A. habits B. talents C. hobbies D. matches
23. A. important B. accidental C. challenging D. impossible
24. A. wild B. cute C. smart D. dangerous
25. A. shy B. nervous C. frightened D. happy
26. A. turn B. support C. balance D. exchange
27. A. choices B. struggles C. adventures D. pleasures
语法填空 (满分15分)
Jennifer Jones, 15, told friends in her class that she was feeling unwell. She then passed out in her morning PE lesson and 28 (rush) to hospital.
Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately. Her 29 (worry) parents told the doctor that their daughter skipped breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before. Fortunately, she is now out of danger. Her doctor says that she will make a full 30 (recover) in a day or two.
Jennifer’s case is a reminder of the dangers of the unhealthy weight-loss habits that have become common among teenagers of both sexes. In a society where being thin is often seen 31 being beautiful, teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly. According to 32 recent survey of senior high school students’ lifestyles, almost one fifth of teenagers 33 (regular) skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Health 34 (expert) are concerned about these figures. They are increasing their efforts 35 (educate) teenagers about the side effects of losing weight too quickly. They have also warned them against using such extreme methods.
“These so-called ’quick-fix methods’ prove to be 36 (harm) to teenagers. It is normal for teenagers to be slightly overweight and there is no reason why they should be worried. However, for those 37 are dangerously overweight, it is very important that they try to lose weight properly,” said an expert.
第三节 书面表达 (超强能力者 附加题)(本题共15分)
38. (24-25高一上·江西吉安·期末)假定你是李华,你所在地区的学校将课间时间延长到15分钟。请你根据这一变化写一篇英语短文,投稿于你校英文报。内容包括:
1. 描述这一变化;
2. 说明这一变化的好处;
3. 谈谈你对如何利用好这15分钟课间的建议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 标题已为你写好,不计入总词数。
A 15-Minute Break between Classes: Relaxation and More
最新全国各地真题模拟题 解析版
语篇 主题语境 体裁 难度系数 适合阶段
A 人与社会之第30届欧洲青年围棋锦标赛 应用文 较易(0.85) 高三复习
B 人与社会之一项研究表明手写笔记能增强学习效果 说明文 适中(0.65)
七选五 人与社会之几个关于自我原谅,并弥补错误建议 说明文 适中(0.65)
完形填空 人与社会之西蒙在自家后花园建老鼠村并从中得到快乐的故事 记叙文 适中(0.65)
语法填空 人与社会之不健康减肥习惯对青少年的危害 议论文 适中(0.65)
应用文写作 写一篇投稿于你校英文报 根据课间时间延长到15分钟这一变化写一篇英语短文,
championship [ t mpi n p] n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位
annual [ nju l] adj. 年度的;每年的;n. 年刊;一年生植物
tournament [ t rn m nt] n. 锦标赛;联赛;比赛
celebrate [ sel bre t] v. 庆祝;庆贺;赞美;主持(宗教仪式)
registration [ red stre n] n. 登记;注册;挂号;登记(或注册、挂号)人数
requirement [r kwa rm nt] n. 要求;必要条件;必需品
standard [ st nd rd] n. 标准;水准;规格;adj. 标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的
advance [ d v ns] v. 前进;进展;促进;提前;n. 前进;进展;预付款;adj. 预先的;先行的
secure [s kj r] v. 保护;(使)获得;使安全;确保;adj. 安全的;无虑的;有把握的;牢固的
schedule [ sked u l] n. 时间表;日程安排表;清单;v. 安排;预定;将…… 列入计划表
ceremony [ ser mo ni] n. 典礼;仪式;礼节;礼仪
performance [p r f rm ns] n. 表演;表现;性能;执行
generous [ d en r s] adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽宏大量的;丰盛的
digital [ d d tl] adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的;n. 数字;数字式
process [ prɑ ses] v. 处理;加工;审核;列队行进;n. 过程;工序;工艺流程;做事方法
existing [ ɡ z st ] adj. 现存的;目前的;v. 存在;生存;生活(exist 的现在分词)
educational [ ed u ke nl] adj. 教育的;有教育意义的;提供咨询的
neuroscientist [ n ro sa nt st] n. 神经科学家
strengthen [ stre θn] v. 加强;增强;巩固;变强
cognitive [ kɑ ɡn t v] adj. 认知的;认识的;有感知的
第一部分 阅读理解
第一节 (共7小题;每小题2.5分,满分17.5分)
(24-25高一上·江苏镇江·期末)The 30th European Youth Go (围棋) Championship
The European Youth Go Championship is an annual tourmament (锦标赛) that brings together young Go players from across Europe to take part, learn, and celebrate the game. This year marks the 30th year of the championship, an important event that brings its full circle to its origins in Romania.
For deciding if a player falls in a certain age group he/she must satisfy age requirements: born on 1st September 2013 or later for U12, born on 1st September 2007 or later for U18.
Registration Fees (费用):
25 EUR/125 RON — Early registration, until December 31st, 2024
35 EUR/175 RON — Standard registration, until February 15th, 2025
50 EUR/250 RON — Late registration, until the tournament day
We strongly encourage all players to register in advance to secure their place and avoid being late.
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 Thursday, March 6th, 2025 Friday, March 7th, 2025 Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Arrival 11:00 - 12:00 Registration 20:00 - 21:00 Opening Ceremony 21:00 - 22:00 Registration 21:00 - 22:00 Team Leaders Meeting 09:00 - 09:30 Late registration10:00 EYGC Round 1 15:00 EYGC Round 2 17:00 Pair Go Round 1 18:00 Pair Go Round 2 10:00 EYGC Round 3 15:00 EYGC Round 4 17:00 Pair Go Semi-Finals18:00 Pair Go Finals 10:00 EYGC Round 5 15:00 EYGC Round 6 18:00 Awarding Ceremony Departure
The European Go Federation will be providing a prize of 1000 EUR for the European Youth Go Championship 2025. Top performers will receive this generous prize for their hard work, efforts and skill.
1. What is the main purpose of players joining in the European Youth Go Championship
A. To learn leadership skills. B. To attend the opening ceremony.
C. To praise the tournament D. To enjoy the Go event
2. What decides the registration fee
A. Age group. B. Payment method.
C. Skill level. D. Registration date.
3. When will EYGC Round 2 begin
A. At 11 a.m. on Mar. 5. B. At 3 p.m. on Mar. 6.
C. At 10 a.m. on Mar. 7. D. At 6 p.m. on Mar. 8.
【答案】1. D 2. D 3. B
1. 细节理解题。根据第一段“The European Youth Go Championship is an annual tourmament (锦标赛) that brings together young Go players from across Europe to take part, learn, and celebrate the game.(欧洲青年围棋锦标赛是一年一度的巡回赛,汇集了来自欧洲各地的年轻围棋选手,参加、学习和庆祝这项运动)”可知,选手参加欧洲青年围棋锦标赛的主要目的是学习和庆祝围棋比赛。故选D。
2. 细节理解题。根据Registration Fees (费用)部分“25 EUR/125 RON — Early registration, until December 31st, 2024; 35 EUR/175 RON — Standard registration, until February 15th, 2025; 50 EUR/250 RON — Late registration, until the tournament day (25欧元/125罗马尼亚克朗——提前注册,至2024年12月31日;35欧元/175 RON——标准注册,至2025年2月15日;50欧元/250罗马尼亚克朗——延迟注册,直到比赛当天)”可知,注册费用随注册日期变化,即注册费由注册日期决定。故选D。
3. 细节理解题。根据SCHEDULE部分表格第二列“Thursday, March 6th, 2025 (2025年3月6日,星期四)”以及“15:00 EYGC Round 2 (15:00 EYGC第二轮)”可知,EYGC第二轮在3月6日下午三点开始。故选B。
(24-25高一上·江西宜春·期末)Handwriting notes in class might seem old-fashioned as digital technology affects nearly every part of learning. But a recent study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that taking notes with pen and paper is still the best way to learn, especially for young children.
The new research is based on a 2014 study that suggested people may type notes quickly, without thinking much about what they’re writing — but writing by hand is slower and makes them actively pay attention to and process the incoming information. This way of building on existing knowledge can make it easier for students to stay interested and understand new ideas more easily.
To understand specific brain-activity differences during the two note-taking methods, the researchers of the new study put 256 electrodes (电极) into a hairnet, which let the scientists record 36 students’ brain activity as they wrote or typed words. When students wrote by hand, the electrodes picked up widespread brain connectivity. Typing, however, resulted in little activity in brain areas.
Vanderbilt University educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher says the recent study stresses the clear tie between bodily movements and understanding ideas, “As you’re writing a word, you’re taking this continuous understanding of something and creating it.” That creation then affects and strengthens the connection between an action and the words related to it.
Vinci-Booher notes that the new findings don’t mean technology is always a disadvantage in the classroom. Digital tools can be more helpful for writing papers and offer more equal educational opportunities. However, more and more people are relying on digital tools to perform cognitive (认知的) tasks, such as taking photos instead of memorizing information. Yadurshana Sivashankar, a researcher at the University of Waterloo says, “If we’re not actively using these areas, then they are going to become worse over time.”
4. Why does the author mention the 2014 study
A. To make the research more believable.
B. To compare two note taking methods.
C. To present different research findings.
D. To show the advantage of writing slowly.
5. What can be learned from the experiment in Paragraph 3
A. Typing made the brain connectivity more active.
B. Electrodes were only used to record typing words.
C. Electrodes were connected to students’ hair directly.
D. Writing by hand uses more brain power than typing.
6. What would Sophia Vinci-Booher probably advise students to do
A. Memorize words by writing. B. Take advantage of digital tools.
C. Use a new way to taking notes. D. Make better use of technology.
7. What is the main idea of the text
A. Technology is an advantage in classroom.
B. Taking notes improves students’ brain activity.
C. Writing by hand comes with learning benefits.
D. Two note-taking methods have clear differences.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C
【知识点】学习、科普知识 、说明文
4. 推理判断题。根据第二段“The new research is bases on a 2014 study that suggested people may type notes quickly, without thinking much about what they’re writing — but writing by hand is slower and makes them actively pay attention to and process the incoming information. (这项新的研究建立在2014年的一项研究的基础上,该研究表明,人们可能会快速打字,而不会过多考虑自己在写什么,但手写速度较慢,会让他们积极关注和处理收到的信息。)”可知,新的研究建立在2014年的研究的基础上,所以作者提及2014年的研究是为了让新的研究更具说服力。故选A项。
5. 细节理解题。根据第三段“When students wrote by hand, the electrodes picked up widespread brain connectivity. Typing, however, resulted in little activity in brain areas. (当学生用手写字时,电极发现了广泛的大脑连接。然而,打字导致这些大脑区域的活动极小。)”可知,手写可以激活大脑更广泛区域的活动,相比之下,打字只在这些区域产生了最小的活动,由此可知,手写比打字更能激活大脑活动。故选D项。
6. 推理判断题。根据第四段“Vanderbilt University educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher says the recent study stresses the clear tie between physical actions and understanding ideas, “As you’re writing a word, you’re taking this continuous understanding of something and creating it.” That creation then affects and strengthens the connection between an action and the words related to it.” (范德比尔特大学教育神经科学家Sophia Vinci Booher表示,最近的研究强调了身体动作和概念理解之间的明确联系,“当你写一个单词时,你正在对某物进行持续的理解,并创造它。”然后,这种创造会影响并加强动作与相关单词之间的联系。)”可知,Sophia Vinci Booher认为写单词可以增进持续的理解,所以Sophia Vinci Booher可能会建议学生通过写文章来记忆单词。故选A项。
7. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“But a recent study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that taking notes with pen and paper is still the best way to learn, especially for young children. (但《心理学前沿》最近的一项研究表明,用笔和纸做笔记仍然是最好的学习方式,尤其是对儿童来说。)”以及文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了手写笔记能增强学习效果,有助于学习。故选C项。
(24-25高一上·湖南郴州·期末)Forgiving someone for negative behavior isn’t easy, especially when someone is you. We’re often a lot harder on ourselves than we are on others, which makes it hard to forgive ourselves for past wrongs. 8 . Here are several tips to forgive yourself for being negative, and make up for a wrong.
Admit and accept what happened
Admit what you’ve done is the first step to self-forgiveness. If you have many incidents or a long history of negative behavior, pick one behavior or one incident to start with. 9 . But remember that they’re part of learning and growing.
Let go of your negative emotions
Getting rid of negative feelings makes forgiveness possible. Negative emotions and limiting beliefs are stored in your nervous system, making it hard to keep beating yourself up about what happened. 10 . You can write a letter to yourself detailing all of your negative thoughts. You also can read it out loud to yourself, sit with it for a while, and then throw it out.
A sincere apology faces the situation directly. It’s uncomfortable to apologize for your actions, but your willingness to come forward and make up for a wrong will help you forgive yourself for whatever happened. Sincerely explain your actions to the person you’re really sorry for.
Try to make things right
If there’s anything you can do to make up for what you’ve done, do it. Atonement (赎罪) helps you forgive yourself and shows the people you’ve hurt that you’re sorry. 12 . Put your regret into action and do things to minimize or erase the damage you’ve done to your relationships.
A. Ask for forgiveness
B. Give yourself a chance
C. Admitting mistakes makes you better
D. It can feel embarrassing to admit mistakes
E. This is surely better than punishing yourself
F. You can find the feelings that hold you back and let them go
G. Luckily, self-forgiveness is a skill that can be practised and improved
【答案】8. G 9. C 10. F 11. A 12. E
8. 上文“Forgiving someone for negative behavior isn’t easy, especially when someone is you. We’re often a lot harder on ourselves than we are on others, which makes it hard to forgive ourselves for past wrongs.(原谅别人的消极行为并不容易,尤其是当这个人是你的时候。我们常常对自己比对别人更苛刻,这使得我们很难原谅自己过去的错误。)”说明自我原谅比较困难,G选项“幸运的是,自我原谅是一种可以练习和提高的技能”承接上文,转折语义,引出下文介绍关于自我原谅的建议。故选G项。
9. 上文“Admit what you’ve done is the first step to self-forgiveness. If you have many incidents or a long history of negative behavior, pick one behavior or one incident to start with.(承认自己的所作所为是自我原谅的第一步。如果你有很多负面行为或长期负面行为的历史,选择一个行为或一个事件开始。)”说明承认自己的错误对自我原谅很重要,C选项“承认错误会让你变得更好”承接上文,说明承认错误会变得更好。故选C项。
10. 根据本段的主题句“Let go of your negative emotions(释放你的负面情绪)”可知,本段建议通过释放负面情绪自我原谅,结合下文“You can write a letter to yourself detailing all of your negative thoughts. You also can read it out loud to yourself, sit with it for a while, and then throw it out.(你可以给自己写一封信,详细描述你所有的消极想法。你也可以大声读给自己听,坐一会儿,然后把它扔掉。)”列出了一些摆脱消极情绪的方法,由此可推断,此空应是引出下文,F选项“你可以找到那些阻碍你的感觉并释放它们”与本段主题一致,且引出下文如何找出阻碍你的感觉,符合语境。E.故选F项。
11. 下文“A sincere apology faces the situation directly. It’s uncomfortable to apologize for your actions, but your willingness to come forward and make up for a wrong will help you forgive yourself for whatever happened. Sincerely explain your actions to the person you’re really sorry for. (真诚的道歉直接面对现实。为自己的行为道歉是不舒服的,但你愿意站出来弥补错误的意愿会帮助你原谅自己发生的任何事情。真诚地向那个让你感到抱歉的人解释你的行为。)”说明要真诚地道歉,请求对方的原谅,A选项“请求原谅”能够概括本段,是本段主题。故选A项。
12. 上文“If there’s anything you can do to make up for what you’ve done, do it. Atonement (赎罪) helps you forgive yourself and shows the people you’ve hurt that you’re sorry. (如果你能做些什么来弥补你所做的一切,那就去做。赎罪可以帮助你原谅自己,并向你伤害过的人表明你的歉意。)”讲述的是赎罪可以弥补自己所做的一切,并向伤害过的人表示歉意,结合下文的“Put your regret into action and do things to minimize or erase the damage you’ve done to your relationships.(将你的悔恨转化为行动,做一些事情来尽量减少或消除你对人际关系所造成的损害。)”可知,这是对上文内容的进一步解释,由此可知,此空应是起到承上启下的作用,E选项“这肯定比惩罚自己要好。”承接上文,其中的this指代的内容为上文中的做法,且下文进一步做出解释,符合语境。故选E项。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
(24-25高一上·江西宜春·期末)Six years ago, Simon Dell began creating his “mouse village” when he found a wild mouse in his back garden. Since then, he has added lots of things to it — all 13 from recycled materials (回收材料).
Simon 14 daily village activities and posts the images across his social media. “Without the 15 of making little things for little things, I could soon 16 back into disappointment and sadness,” he says. “The mouse village gave me back my smile. I hope it gives others the same 17 it gives me.”
At the beginning of his journey, after he created the 18 for the first mouse, which he named George, he began 19 more homes next door. Within days, a few mice pals moved in, expecting to also 20 the comforts of the village.
The cameraman began adding 21 to the small houses, making dining tables and clothes washing lines, and giving them props (道具) for 22 like painting and gardening. Simon believes it can be 23 to take good photos of mice as they are 24 animals. “But when it’s sunny, they seem more than 25 to strike a cute pose or two in 26 for a bit of food.”
Today, Simon says there are around 20 mice in the village, and the mouse village has given him and many of his social media followers great joy among personal 27 .
13. A. built B. saved C. got D. borrowed
14. A. observes B. organizes C. photos D. explains
15. A. fun B. time C. right D. possibility
16. A. take B. swim C. shake D. fall
17. A. freedom B. joy C. courage D. knowledge
18. A. road B. roof C. shelter D. playground
19. A. adding B. painting C. removing D. checking
20. A. move toward B. benefit from C. bring out D. make up
21. A. rules B. names C. contacts D. details
22. A. habits B. talents C. hobbies D. matches
23. A. important B. accidental C. challenging D. impossible
24. A. wild B. cute C. smart D. dangerous
25. A. shy B. nervous C. frightened D. happy
26. A. turn B. support C. balance D. exchange
27. A. choices B. struggles C. adventures D. pleasures
13. A 14. C 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. D 27. B
13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,他在里面添加了很多东西——都是用回收材料建造的。A. built建造;B. saved救助;C. got得到;D. borrowed借。根据上文的“Six years ago, Simon Dell began creating his “mouse village””和“Since then, he has added lots of things to it”可知,空格前的all指的是为“老鼠村”建造的东西。故选A项。
14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:西蒙拍摄了村里的日常活动,并在他的社交媒体上发布了照片。A. observes观察;B. organizes组织;C. photos拍照;D. explains解释。根据下文的“posts the images across his social media”可知,西蒙应该先拍照,然后才能在社交媒体上发布照片。故选C项。
15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没有了为小事做小事的乐趣,我很快就会陷入失望和悲伤之中,”他说。A. fun乐趣;B. time时间;C. right权力;D. possibility可能性。根据下文的“The mouse village gave me back my smile.”可知,此处指的是做小事带来的乐趣。故选A项。
16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“没有了为小事做小事的乐趣,我很快就会陷入失望和悲伤之中,”他说。A. take拿走;B. swim游泳;C. shake摇晃;D. fall进入(某状态)。fall back into“重新陷入……”是固定搭配。故选D项。
17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我希望它能给别人带来我同样的快乐。A. freedom自由;B. joy高兴;愉快;C. courage勇气;D. knowledge知识。根据上文的“The mouse village gave me back my smile.(老鼠村又给了我微笑。)”可知,此处指的是快乐。故选B项。
18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他的旅程开始时,他为第一只老鼠建造了庇护所,他给它取名为乔治,他开始在隔壁建造更多的房子。A. road路;B. roof屋顶;C. shelter庇护所;D. playground游乐场。根据第一段的“mouse village”和下文的“more homes next door”可知,此处指的是为老鼠建造的庇护所。故选C项。
19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他的旅程开始时,他为第一只老鼠建造了庇护所,他给它取名为乔治,他开始在隔壁建造更多的房子。A. adding增加;添加;B. painting绘,画;C. removing去除;删除;D. checking检查。根据下文的“more homes”可知,肯定是增加了更多的房子。故选A项。
20. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:几天之内,一些老鼠朋友搬进来,希望也能享受到村庄的舒适。A. move toward朝……移动;B. benefit from受益于;C. bring out使显现;D. make up化妆。根据上文的“a few mice pals moved in”和空格后的“the comforts of the village”可知,老鼠搬进来肯定是为了能享受到村庄的舒适,也就是为了从中受益。故选B项。
21. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:摄影师开始给这些小房子添加细节,制作餐桌和晾衣绳,并为他们的绘画和园艺等爱好提供道具。A. rules规则;B. names名字;C. contacts联系人;D. details细节;细微之处。根据下文的“making dining tables and clothes washing lines, and giving them props for 10  like painting and gardening”可知,这些都是为房子增加的一些细节之处。故选D项。
22. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:摄影师开始给这些小房子添加细节,制作餐桌和晾衣绳,并为他们的绘画和园艺等爱好提供道具。A. habits习惯;B. talents人才;C. hobbies爱好;D. matches比赛;火柴。根据下文的“painting and gardening”可知,此处指的是爱好。故选C项。
23. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:西蒙认为,因为老鼠是野生动物,所以给它们拍出好照片是很有挑战性的。A. important重要的;B. accidental意外的;C. challenging具有挑战性的;D. impossible不可能的。根据常理和下文的“take good photos of mice”可知,给老鼠拍照肯定不容易的,有挑战性的。故选C项。
24. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:西蒙认为,因为老鼠是野生动物,所以给它们拍出好照片是很有挑战性的。A. wild野生的;B. cute可爱的;C. smart智能的;D. dangerous危险的。根据常识和第一段的“when he found a wild mouse in his back garden”可知,老鼠是野生的。故选A项。
25. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但当天气晴朗时,它们似乎更乐意摆出一两个可爱的姿势来换取一点食物。A. shy害羞的;B. nervous紧张的;C. frightened受惊的;D. happy快乐的。根据下文的“strike a cute pose or two(摆一两个可爱的姿势)”可知,摆可爱的姿势,肯定是因为高兴。故选D项。
26. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但当天气晴朗时,它们似乎更乐意摆出一两个可爱的姿势来换取一点食物。A. turn转向;B. support支持;C. balance平衡;D. exchange交换。根据空格前的“strike a cute pose or two”和下文的“a bit of food”可知,老鼠摆姿势拍照是为了得到事物。in exchange for“作为……的交换”是固定搭配。故选D项。
27. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:如今,西蒙说村里大约有20只老鼠,老鼠村给他和他的许多社交媒体粉丝带来了巨大的快乐,尽管他们都在努力奋斗。A. choices选择;B. struggles奋斗;挣扎;C. adventures冒险;D. pleasures快乐。根据空格前的joy可知,此处强调西蒙在奋斗的同时能从老鼠村得到的快乐,应该用struggles与joy对应。故选B项。
语法填空 (满分15分)
Jennifer Jones, 15, told friends in her class that she was feeling unwell. She then passed out in her morning PE lesson and 28 (rush) to hospital.
Jennifer was found to have dangerously low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately. Her 29 (worry) parents told the doctor that their daughter skipped breakfast that day and hardly touched her dinner the night before. Fortunately, she is now out of danger. Her doctor says that she will make a full 30 (recover) in a day or two.
Jennifer’s case is a reminder of the dangers of the unhealthy weight-loss habits that have become common among teenagers of both sexes. In a society where being thin is often seen 31 being beautiful, teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly. According to 32 recent survey of senior high school students’ lifestyles, almost one fifth of teenagers 33 (regular) skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Health 34 (expert) are concerned about these figures. They are increasing their efforts 35 (educate) teenagers about the side effects of losing weight too quickly. They have also warned them against using such extreme methods.
“These so-called ’quick-fix methods’ prove to be 36 (harm) to teenagers. It is normal for teenagers to be slightly overweight and there is no reason why they should be worried. However, for those 37 are dangerously overweight, it is very important that they try to lose weight properly,” said an expert.
28. was rushed 29. worried 30. recovery 31. as 32. a 33. regularly 34. experts 35. to educate 36. harmful 37. who
【知识点】健康饮食 、社会问题与社会现象
28. 考查动词语态。句意:然后,她在上午的体育课上晕倒了,被紧急送往医院。本空与passed out是并列的谓语,由passed out可知,本句描述过去的动作和状态,故时态用一般过去时,主语she与rush“快速运输,速送”之间是被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态was/were done,主语是单数she,be动词用was。故填was rushed。
29. 考查形容词。句意:她忧心忡忡的父母告诉医生,他们的女儿那天没吃早饭,前一天晚上晚饭也几乎没吃。本空修饰名词parents,作定语,用形容词worried“担心的”。故填worried。
30. 考查名词。句意:她的医生说,一两天后她就会完全康复。本空作make的宾语,前面有冠词a,本空用名词,recover的名词形式为recovery“康复”。故填recovery。
31. 考查介词。句意:在一个以瘦为美的社会里,青少年有时会采取极端的方法来迅速减肥。see...as...“把……看作……”,本空用介词as,符合题意。故填as。
32. 考查冠词。句意:根据一项关于高中生生活方式的最新调查,近五分之一的青少年经常不吃正餐。此处泛指“一项关于高中生生活方式的最新调查”,且recent以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a。故填a。
33. 考查副词。句意:根据一项关于高中生生活方式的最新调查,近五分之一的青少年经常不吃正餐。本空修饰动词skip,作状语,用副词regularly“经常地”。故填regularly。
34. 考查名词复数。句意:健康专家对这些数字感到担忧。本空作主语,根据谓语动词are可知,主语是复数名词,用名词expert的复数形式experts“专家”。故填experts。
35. 考查非谓语动词。句意:他们正在加大对青少年的教育力度,让他们了解快速减肥的副作用。本句谓语为are increasing,此处为非谓语动词,用educate“教育”的不定式,作目的状语。故填to educate。
36. 考查形容词。句意:这些所谓的“快速解决方法”证明对青少年是有害的。本空作表语,用形容词harmful“有害的”。故填harmful。
37. 考查定语从句。句意:“这些所谓的‘快速解决方法’被证明对青少年有害。青少年体重略微超标是很正常的,他们没有必要为此担心。然而,对于那些危险超重的人来说,他们尝试适当减肥非常重要,”一位专家说道。本空引导限制性定语从句,先行词是those ,指人,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who引导。故填who。
第三节 书面表达 (超强能力者 附加题)(本题共15分)
38. (24-25高一上·江西吉安·期末)假定你是李华,你所在地区的学校将课间时间延长到15分钟。请你根据这一变化写一篇英语短文,投稿于你校英文报。内容包括:
1. 描述这一变化;
2. 说明这一变化的好处;
3. 谈谈你对如何利用好这15分钟课间的建议。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 标题已为你写好,不计入总词数。
A 15-Minute Break between Classes: Relaxation and More
A 15-Minute Break between Classes: Relaxation and More
Recently, our school has introduced a welcome change by extending the break between classes to 15 minutes.
The benefits of this extended break are numerous. It allows students to fully relax and recharge their batteries, which is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity during subsequent classes. Moreover, the additional time fosters social interactions, helping to build stronger bonds among classmates.
To make the best use of these 15 minutes, I suggest engaging in light physical activities like stretching or a quick walk around the campus. By doing so, we can truly harness the potential of this extended break for our overall well-being.
利用:harness→take advantage of
原句:Moreover, the additional time fosters social interactions, helping to build stronger bonds among classmates.
拓展句:Moreover, the additional time fosters social interactions, which can help to build stronger bonds among classmates.
【点睛】[高分句型1] By doing so, we can truly harness the potential of this extended break for our overall well-being. (运用了动名词作宾语)
[高分句型2] It allows students to fully relax and recharge their batteries, which is crucial for maintaining focus and productivity during subsequent classes. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
