

1、高考英语写作功能词(要求)(一)主要英语对应词及其用法结构【动词】 (demand, require, request, ask, adjure, claim, exact, requisition, desire, expect, clamor, beg, entreat, implore, beseech, crave, solicit, appeal;importune) demand 要求demand sth.(from/of sb.)向某人要求某事to demand an apology(from sb.)要求(某人)道歉to demand better pay要求提高工资to de

2、mand a 10% wage hike要求加薪10%to demand payment of a buyer要求买方付款to urgently demand attention迫切地要求给予注意to demand punctuality要求大家准时to demand reparation from the company 要求公司予以赔偿to demand payment of a buyer要求买方付款demand+that clause 要求He demands that he be told everything.(他要求将一切都告诉他。)demand to do sth 要求做某事H

3、e demands to be told everything.(他要求将一切都告诉他。)to demand(to know) my business 要过问我的事情to demand to be paid a living wage 要求得到能够维持生计的工资 require 命令或指示;强制性地要求to do as the law requires按照法律规定要求去做require(sb.) to do sth.要求(某人)做某事The rules require us all to be present.(按规定要求我们都要到场。)The teacher required her stu

4、dents to keep silent.(老师要求/命令学生们都不要作声。)Civil servants are required to sign the official Secrets Act. (公务员须签署遵守公务保密条例。)require sth.(of sb.) 要求(某人)具备某事物;命令(规定)某事物I only require of my students some basic knowledge. (我只要求学生具备一些基础知识。)I have done all that is required by law.(我已按照法律规定把一切做好。)It is required

5、(of me) that I give evidence. (要求我提供证据。)Hamlet is required reading for the course.(哈姆雷特为本课程指定读物)require that.(should) 要求request 以口头或书面形式要求或请求做某事request sth.(from/of sb.)要求/请求某事物to request a loan from a bank向银行请求贷款to request compliance with the rules 请遵守规则All I request of you/from you was that you ca

6、me early. (我只要求你早点来。)request that.(should) 请求request sb. to do sth.to request sb. to help 请求某人帮忙You are(kindly) requested not to smoke. (请不要抽烟。)as requested 按照要求ask 要求to ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事to ask(sb.) for sth.请求(某人)给予某物to ask(ones boss) for a pay increase 请求(老板)加薪to ask to do sth. 请求准许做某事to ask to use the car
