
1-5 AABCA 6-10 BBCBC
11-15 DBCAB 16-20 CDABD
21-25 ABCCA 26-30 BCDAB 31-35 EAGDF
36.them 37.rubbish 38.products 39.too
41.recycled 42.while 43.of 45.useful
46.It was first used in 2004./In 2004.
47.It's a way to make payments by using a mobile device.
49.People/They think this kind of technology makes their lives much more convenient./It
makes their lives much more convenient.
50.Because people worry about the safety of their personal information and money.
One Possible Version:
Dear Emile,
I'm so excited that you will come to China this winter holiday.Don't worry about the
payments in China.With the development of technology,mobile payment has become a
necessary part of Chinese people's daily life.
There are two main mobile payments in China.There are some advantages.First,it's so
easy that everyone can learn to use it.Besides,with mobile payment,there is no need to take
paper money with you.So you won't lose your money in your pockets.Third,people can do
online shopping through mobile payment.It helps to save time and it's quite convenient.
Using mobile payment,it's quite important to remember your password and keep it safe.
Keep this in mind and there will be no problems for you to use mobile payment in China.
Looking forward to your coming.
Best wishes,
Li Ming
·25-ZYCZ09c2+新兴县 2024—2025 学年九年级第一学期
1.全卷满分 90 分,答题时间为 90 分钟。
一、语法选择(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1分,共 10 分)
Li Zixuan is a grade-nine student in a junior high school. He had many dreams
1 he was a little child. As time goes by, some dreams have disappeared. However,
2 one dream still in his mind.
When Li Zixuan was very young, he heard 3 rockets and spaceships. He knew tha
t scientists made rockets to carry things into space, and spaceships 4 to carry p
eople through space. From then on, he showed 5 great interest in space.
Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night, he gets 6
. He is always dreaming that he can fly into space one day. In school, he knows m
ore 7 succeeded in traveling into space and some astronauts even landed on the moo
n. His teacher always encourages him 8 more.
Li knows it's not easy to achieve 9 dream, but he decides to try his best. He
says,“This is the only dream I have had for many years. It 10 me much happiness
so far and always gives me power. Maybe it doesn't come true in the end, but I won
't be sorry.”
1. A. when B. what C. why
2. A. There is B. It is C. There are
3. A. in B. about C. to
4. A. use B. are using C. were used
5. A. a B. an C. the
6. A. exciting B. excited C. excitement
7. A. astronaut B. astronauts C. astronaut's
8. A. learn B. learning C. to learn
9. A. he B. his C. him
10. A. bring B. will bring C. has brought
【英语 第 1 页(共 6 页)】
二、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1分,共 10 分)
Last week, I attended a class about body language. The teacher told us that body
language is a way we communicate without using 11 . It usually includes our body
movement, facial expressions and so on. I was happy and expected to learn more.
During the class, we did an activity to show different feelings only by using ou
r 12 .For example, when I wanted to express my 13 , I smiled and jumped up and
down. My classmates laughed and joined in. It was fun to see how 14 we understood
each other without speaking.
Later, the teacher explained that our body language can sometimes 15 the wrong
messages.For example, crossing our arms can make us look 16 or unfriendly, even
if we are not. She encouraged us to pay attention to how we stand and move when tal
king to others.
At the end of the class, I 17 that body language is very important. It can he
lp us make friends and improve our 18 skills. I promised myself to practice body
language every day. Now, when I 19 someone, I try to keep an open posture(姿势) and
smile more. I believe this will help me 20 better with my friends and teachers. I
look forward to using these skills in my daily life.
11. A. hands B. smiles C. faces D. words
12. A. eyes B. bodies C. mouths D. feet
13. A. sadness B. kindness C. happiness D. illness
14. A. quickly B. sadly C. luckily D. quietly
15. A. write B. send C. draw D. report
16. A. active B. lovely C. angry D. hungry
17. A. hoped B. heard C. doubted D. realized
18. A. social B. musical C. sports D. reading
19. A. think of B. talk to C. dance with D. stand with
20. A. play B. study C. fight D.communicate
三、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2分,共 30 分)
请阅读 A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的
Exciting After-School Clubs for You!
Make your after-school time really great and full of fun! Our school clubs are
here for e and join them!
【英语 第 2 页(共 6页)】
Cooking Club
Do you like cooking Do you want to learn to make dinner or health y snacs
for your.lunch box Come to the Cooking Club! Here you can practice your cook
ing skills.
Time:3:30 p. m.-5:30 p. m. on Mondays
Place: John's Kitchen
Call Mrs. Lyle at 605-2048.
Photography Club
Are you interested in taking photos Do you want to improve your skills I
f so,please come to the Photography Club.
Time:3:30 p. m.-5:00 p. m. on Fridays
Place: Art Room. You need to bring your own camera here.
Call Jeanne Hanson at 605-3568.
Book Exchange(交换) Club
Do you have unwanted books at home Do you want to exchange them for new b
ooks In this way, you can save a lot of money on reading books. Bring a book!
Pick a book! Share a book! The Book Exchange Club is for you.
Time:10:00 a. m.-6:30 p. m., Saturday, September 28
Place: Main Library
Call us at 605-7858.
Robot Club
If you join the Robot Club, you can not only learn to make robots, but al
so have fun.Time: From 2:30 to 3:30 on Tuesday afternoons.
Place: Come to the Computer Room in St. Kevin's School. Booking is needed.
For more information or booking your place, please call us at 605-8378.
21. When can you go to the Cooking Club
A. From 3:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. on Mondays.
B. From 3:30 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. on Fridays.
C. From 10:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. on Saturdays.
D. From 2:30 to 3:30 on Tuesday afternoons.
22. What do you need to do if you join the Photography Club
A. Book a place ahead. B. Bring a camera.
C. Bring some books. D. Prepare some pictures.
23. Where is the Book Exchange Club held
A. In John's Kitchen. B. In the Art Room.
C. At the Main Library. D. In St. Kevin's School.
24. If you want to get more information about the Robot Club, you can call .
A.605-2048 B.605-3568 C.605-8378 D.605-7858
25. What kind of text is the passage
A. An ad. B. An email.
C. A story. D. A news report.
【英语 第 3页(共 6页)】
From red apples and yellow lemons to blueberries and green melons, fruit comes i
n many different colors. Why do different kinds of fruit have different colors
According to Lu Wei, a Chinese scientist, fruit colors actually come from their
different pigments(色素). These pigments appear differently, depending on the fruit'
s environment.This causes the fruit to turn a certain color.
To find out how environment influences fruit colors, Chinese scientists studied
more than280 different fruit colors. They found that red fruit usually grows in cool
er places. Also, you can find red fruit growing in many places around the world inst
ead of just growing in one place. Blue and purple fruit mostly grows in warm places.
Yellow and green fruit often grows in hot places. The scientists also found that th
e closer the fruit is to the equator(赤道), the darker its color will be.
▲ Animals eat fruit and drop the seeds(种子) in other places. This helps the
fruit spread and grow in different places. Therefore, in order to attract animals, s
ome fruit develop colors that are easy for animals to see.
However, animals see colors in a different way. Fruit needs to develop colors th
at are suitable for animals’ seeing abilities. For example, birds can see red more
easily than humans do. Therefore, there is more red fruit in areas where birds live.
The lemurs (狐猴) ofMadagascar are red-green color-blind. Many yellow fruit can be
found there, as they can easily see this color.
26. You are more likely to find red fruit in places.
A. warmer B. cooler C. higher D. lower
27. Which kind of fruit mostly grows in warm places
28. Which of the following can be put in“ ▲ ” in Paragraph 4
A. All the fruit and animals help each other.
B. Fruit in the wild is much more colorful.
C. But not all animals are interested in colors.
D. Animals also has an influence on fruit colors.
29. What does the underlined word“suitable” mean in Paragraph 5
A. Proper. B. Difficult. C. Funny. D. Healthy.
30. What's the best title for this passage
A. Why does Fruit Often Change Colors
B. Why does Fruit Have Different Colors
C. How does Environment Influence Fruit Colors
D. How do Animals Influence Fruit Colors
【英语 第 4 页(共 6 页)】
31. I'm really bad at math and al A. Develop a regular sleep routine. Avoid usin
ways get low grades. It makes g electronic devices (设备) before bed. You
me feel so disappointed. I don can also try some ways to relax like deep
't know how to improve it. breathing or listening to soft music.
32. I have a lot of trouble falli B. Don't worry, even great piano players have
ng asleep at night. I often li to practise. Hard work and a lot of practic
e in bed for hours before I ca e are the only ways to become a good piano
n finally fall asleep. It make player.
s me feel tired during the da C. When you feel angry, you should stop talkin
y. g and count to ten or walk away until you k
33. I'm too shy to make new frien eep quiet.
ds.I don't know what to say or D. Talk to your parents and show them the bene
do when I meet new people. I fits of dancing, like improving your physic
feel really lonely sometimes. al and mental health. Promise to balance da
34. I love dancing, but my parent ncing and studies well.
s think it's a waste of time. E. Ask your math teacher for extra help or joi
They want me to concentrate on n a math study group. Do more math exercise
ly on my studies. s and review your mistakes carefully.
35. I often lose things, like my F. Try to be more organized. Have a specific p
schoolbag or my glasses. It's lace for your things and make a checklist b
so inconvenient and makes me v efore leaving a place.
ery upset. G. Start with a small talk. Smile and be frien
dly.Join some clubs or activities to meet p
eople with common interests.
四、短文填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15分)
they how recycle too product pay while with useful you rubbish of
What do people do with their old, out of date but still useful computers Most peo
ple don’ t know how to deal with 36 . Many old computers are put away. Many m
ore are finally thrown away as 37 .
Luckily, some companies are thinking of ways to bring down the number of old compu
ters. A computer company has agreed to help recycle their old 38 . Other comput
er companies now take back some old computers of their own brands(品牌), 39 .
In some countries, laws have been puter companies have to 40 for co
llecting and recycling their used products. And 70% of the computer waste must be
41 .The idea behind the laws is that computer companies themselves should pay f
or the cost. That will help them to make computers which are easier and cheaper to
repair and upgrade(升级).
Yet many people are throwing away computers 42 others cannot afford them at al
l.Hundreds 43 organizations are working on this problem. They collect and repa
ir old computers. Some also teach others 44 to repair computers. These repaire
d computers then go to schools, charities or people who need them. Giving a used c
omputer to one of these organizations can turn one person's rubbish into someone e
lse's 45 things and cut down waste as well. Let's take action.
【英语 第 5页(共 6 页)】
五、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B两部分,共 25 分)
A.回答问题(本题共 5小题,每小题 2分,共 10 分)
We all know“Four Great Inventions” in ancient China are important symbols of t
he country. Now China has new“Four Great Inventions”. They are changing people’ s l
ives inChina and maybe all over the world. And mobile payment is one of them.
The mobile payment was first used in 2004 and widely used in 2013. Now, mobile
payment has become a part of Chinese people's everyday life. It's a way to make paymen
ts by using a mobile device.
With mobile payment, there's no need to carry money because everything can be do
ne simply on the phone. This method of payment is becoming increasingly popular, espec
ially in China. There are two main mobile payment services that are commonly used by p
eople inChina. “My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat anything with my sma
rt phone,”said Lin, “Even vegetable sellers are using mobile payment.” People think
this kind of technology makes their lives much more convenient.
With mobile payment, lots of transactions(交易) can be done in seconds. This is
useful in busy environments like markets or during online shopping. However, there are
also some concerns(顾虑) with mobile payment. People worry about the safety of their
personal information and money. Even so, the convenience and efficiency of mobile paym
ent continue to attract a growing number of users worldwide.
46. When was the mobile payment first used
47. What is mobile payment
48. How many main mobile payment services are commonly used in China
49. How do people like the mobile payment
50. Why are there some concerns about mobile payment
B.书面表达(本题 15 分)
51.假设你叫李明,你的英国笔友 Emile 寒假将要来中国游玩,但是他对在中国使用移动支付不熟
(3)语句连贯,词数 80 左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答
Dear Emile,
I'm so excited that you will come to China this winter holiday. Don't worry about the
payments in China.
Looking forward to your coming.
Best wishes,
Li Ming
【英语 第 6 页(共 6页)】
