

1、高考英语读后续写真题高频句(一)情绪类1.听到这个消息,她陷入极度的悲伤之中。Hearing the news, she was totally overwhelmed by grief.2.Kathy一看到熟悉的字迹,便热泪盈眶。At the sight of the familiar handwriting, tears welled up in Kathys eyes.3.当他意识到父亲为他付出了多少爱的时候,一股暖流涌上心头。A warm current welled up in his heart the moment he realized how much love his fa

2、ther had devoted to him.4.他身心俱疲。He was physically and mentally exhausted.5.旁观的人们欢呼起来,Marry开始喜极而泣。The on-looking crowd cheered and Marry began to shed tears of joy.6.当她得知自己被录取的时候,她无法掩饰内心的兴奋之情。She could hardly conceal her excitement the moment she knew she was admitted.7.尽管这个学生既困惑又生气,他还是服从了。Puzzled an

3、d angry though the student was, he obeyed.8.随着时间流逝,愧疚感强烈到让人无法承受。As time passed by, the guilt became too much to bear.9.不知为什么,她的声音中明显地透露着开心。Somehow, there is apparent pleasure in her voice.10.我安静、快乐、耐心地看着眼前的太阳描绘出崭新的一天。I was quietly, joyfully and patiently watching as the sun painted a brand - new day

4、.动作类1.老师满意地点了点头,朝他竖起了大拇指。The teacher nodded with satisfaction and gave him a thumbs-up.2.下班后,Kathy赶去火车站,却被告知她已经误了火车。After work, Kathy hurried to the railway station only to be told that she had missed the train.3.她用轻微颤抖的手打开了礼物。She opened the gift with her slightly trembling hands.4.我弯下腰,给这个可怜的小男孩一个拥

5、抱,又轻轻地吻了吻他的额头。I bent down to give the poor little boy a hug and gently kissed his forehead.5.我瞄了一眼教室,却发现同学们都面露微笑,眼含泪水。I took a glance at the classroom only to find that all the classmates were smiling with tears in their eyes.6.他走到我跟前,帮我擦去脸上的泪水。He came up to me and helped me wipe the tears from my f

6、ace.7.外祖父拍着我的肩膀,鼓励我永远不要放弃自己的梦想。Grandfather patted me on the shoulder, encouraging me never to give up my dream.8.他偷偷从后门溜进教室,坐在最后一排,假装自己在记笔记。He slipped in through the back door, sat in the last row and pretended to be taking notes.9.听到呼喊,他们的邻居们冲了出来,想知道发生了什么。Hearing the shout, their neighbors rushed out to see what had happened.10.他在走廊里来回踱步,焦急地等待着妻子从手术室里被推出来。He paced back and forth in the corridor, anxiously waiting for his wife to be wheeled out of t
