云天化中学·天关一中 2021届高三复习备考联合质量检测卷(一)英语答案

云天化中学·天关一中 2021届高三复习备考联合质量检测卷(一)英语答案,全部试卷答案将汇总在答案海洋,谢谢各位的同学的分享!
​云天化中学·天关一中 2021届高三复习备考联合质量检测卷(一)英语答案

    "If they hated me they didn't talk to me about
it," says a young German manager at a media firm in Frankfurt. Still, he
says it was noticeable that when an employee 20 years older than him thanked
him for buying lunch he had to swallow twice before adding the word

    Older workers sometimes envy being managed by a younger
colleague. Precocious (老成的) youngsters, too, can feel awkward about bossing their
elders around. But in Germany a shortage of skilled workers means that such
situations are becoming even more common.

    The country's population is projected to shrink. As more Germans
retire, fewer youngsters are entering the work-place to replace
them. As a share of the working population the number of 15-to-24-year-olds has
fallen by ten percent since the 1980s, says the German Federal Employment
Agency. Firms competing to hire young talent have to promote them earlier as a
result. A paper by professors at the university of Cambridge and WHU, a German
business school, to be published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior,
suggests this could be a problem.

