
2020-2021年高考桂柳模拟金卷三答案,语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、生物、地理、历史、政治等 全部答案将汇总在答案海洋,谢谢各位的同学的分享! 

Imagine a child standing on a diving boardfour feet high and asking himself the question:“Should I jump?”This is whatmotivation or the lack of it can do. Motivation and goal setting are the twosides of the same coin. 1Like the child on the diving board, you will stay undecided. 

2More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal? First, youneed to evaluate yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, yourachievements, your desires, etc. Only then should you set your goals.
